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Results for "john"

Name: Robert Eldon John

Birth: 06 Jan 1921 Swayzee, Grant County, Indiana, USA

Death: 10 Sep 2001 New Castle, Henry County, Indiana, USA

Father: Clyde E John

Mother: Catherine Mitchell

Name: mitchell peter john

Birth: 25 Jun 1914 Louisiana, USA

Death: 04 Jun 1997 Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana

Father: Peter John

Mother: Rose Ferris

Name: Judith John

Birth: 10/Jan/1946 Garden City, Finney, Kansas, USA

Death: 17 Jun 2004 Grand Junction, Mesa, Colorado, USA

Father: Jesse Junior John

Mother: Violet Rose HIGGINS John

Name: Charles John

Birth: 8 Jan 1897 Renfrow, Grant, Oklahoma, USA

Death: Apr 1979 Moriarty, Torrance, New Mexico, United States

Father: John

Mother: Filomena Kvapil

Name: Erwin Guthrie John

Birth: 01 Jul 1880 Green, Forest, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 10 Oct 1945 Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Benona B John

Mother: Elizabeth Sarah Guthrie

Name: William Napolean JOHN

Birth: 26 Apr 1876 Tr of Tuscarora

Death: 01 Feb 1958 Buffalo, New York, USA

Father: John John

Mother: Harriet Davis

Name: John Adams John

Birth: 16 Apr 1849 Sugarcreek Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania

Death: 3 May 1929 Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Henry Peter John

Mother: Nancy Flenner

Name: Charles Edwin John

Birth: 07 Feb 1875 Cridersville, Auglaize, Ohio

Death: 19 Aug 1968 Oakview Cem, Albia, Monroe County, Iowa

Father: Thomas Jefferson John

Mother: Martha Ellen Sharpe

Name: Bert William John

Birth: 9 Feb 1874 West Fork, Franklin, Iowa, United States

Death: 28 Nov 1960 Eugene, Lane, Oregon, United States

Father: Lorenzo Thornton John

Mother: Lucretia Elmira JOHN

Name: Ora Heaton John

Birth: 30 June 1903 Utah

Death: 22 Jan 1994 Tremonton, Box Elder, Utah

Father: David Abbott John

Mother: Laura Reba Heaton

Name: Alberta Louise John

Birth: 1 May 1908 Iowa

Death: 27 December 1986 United States of America

Father: Jesse Frank John

Mother: Elizabeth Beatrice WICKERSHAM

Name: James M John

Birth: 13 JUN 1881 IA,Mount Pleasant

Death: Abt 17 JUN 1956 Chicago,Cook Co,IL

Father: Isaiah John

Mother: Sarah Eveline Brown

Name: Maggie V John

Birth: Feb 1875 Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 6 Apr 1960 Ohio, United States

Father: James John

Mother: Sarah Fox

Name: Amy JOHN

Birth: 1843 Belmont Twp, Iroquois, Illinois

Death: 1935 Belmont, Iroquois, Illinois, United States

Father: William David JOHN

Mother: Margaret Jane Cobler

Name: Peter Stanlsy John

Birth: abt 1886 Texas

Death: 1 SEP 1952 Dewitt County, TX

Father: Casper John

Mother: Barbara John

Name: Cloyd John

Birth: 7 Apr 1904 Kansas

Death: 11 Dec 1950 Lyons, Rice, Kansas, United States

Father: Walter B John

Mother: Georgia Prater

Name: Jeramiah JOHN

Birth: 01 May 1851 Madison Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania

Death: 12 Jun 1919 Armstrong County, Pennsylvania

Father: Adam C Johns

Mother: Esther Catherine Crissman

Name: Benonia John

Birth: 23 Sep 1837 Greene County, Pennsylvania

Death: 02 Feb 1909 Mifflin, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Daily Robison John

Mother: Barbary Dulaney

Name: Orrel M. John

Birth: 26 Sep 1864 Liberty, Union, Indiana

Death: 05/20/1930 West Point Cemetery, Union, Co, Indiana, USA

Father: George John

Mother: Mary Ann Smith

Name: Theodore John

Birth: 29 Oct 1862 Germany

Death: 3 Dec 1936 Browerville, Todd, Minnesota, USA

Father: Joseph John

Mother: Karolina Klama

Name: Oliver Elsworth John

Birth: Aug 1866 Indiana

Death: 9 sept 1961 Greensburg, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Daniel Day John (Johns)

Mother: Sarah Ann Leonard

Name: Mary B John

Birth: abt 1902 Pennsylvania

Death: 25 May 1988 Phoenixville Pa

Father: Harvey Edwin John

Mother: Lillie Ann MAJOR

Name: Royal Baun John

Birth: 28 Sep 1909 California

Death: 9 Apr 1980 Tehama

Father: Lee Roy John

Mother: Gertrude Ellen Fields

Name: Mardie Myrtilla John

Birth: 17 May 1876 Debois, Armstrong, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 5 Feb 1960 Brushvalley, Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: William John

Mother: Elizabeth Geary

Name: Sarah John

Birth: 4 Jan 1917 Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, USA

Death: 14 Jan 1993 Dallas, Texas, USA

Father: Harry Everett John

Mother: Christina Meyers

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