Welcome to the Ancestry Community

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Welcome to the Ancestry Community

Collaborate with the largest online family history community.

Welcome to the Ancestry Community

Collaborate with the largest online family history community.


Discover more about your family story by connecting with millions of other Ancestry members.

Search family trees created by other members and discover new relatives, photos, stories, and more.

Find and contact other members with similar interests or family lines.

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Get help with your research whether you're interested in surnames and locations or DNA and folklore.


Join thousands of members helping others discover their roots and preserve their family history.

Find A Grave lets people around the world virtually visit the resting places of their family members. You'll also find photos, biographies, and memorials all created by volunteers like you.

If you're one of our many Ancestry members who have a great family history success story and would be willing to share it with other Ancestry members or the media, we'd like to hear from you.