What is the 1921 Census?
What is the 1921 Census?
A snapshot of what life was like
A snapshot of what life was like
A census is usually conducted every 10 years to count the population of a country, and gives a detailed picture of the households at that moment in time - from their names and ages to their marital status and occupation.
A census is usually conducted every 10 years to count the population of a country, and gives a detailed picture of the households at that moment in time - from their names and ages to their marital status and occupation.
The 1921 Census contains information on nearly 38 million people who were living in England and Wales at the time, and is the last census from the first half of the 20th century.
The 1921 Census contains information on nearly 38 million people who were living in England and Wales at the time, and is the last census from the first half of the 20th century.