Data Collections
Sorted by Gloucestershire Census & Electoral Rolls
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Gloucestershire, England, Electoral Registers, 1832-197411,544,708
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Data Collections
Sorted by Gloucestershire Birth, Marriage & Death, including Parish
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Gloucestershire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-18134,872,857
Gloucestershire, England, Church of England Baptisms, 1813-19133,163,228
Bristol, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-18122,376,703
Bristol, England, Church of England Baptisms, 1813-19222,327,961
Bristol, England, Select Church of England Parish Registers, 1720-19331,987,950
View all Gloucestershire Birth, Marriage & Death, including Parish (14)

Data Collections
Sorted by Gloucestershire Military
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There are no Military collections unique to Gloucestershire
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Data Collections
Sorted by Gloucestershire Immigration & Emigration
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There are no Immigration & Emigration collections unique to Gloucestershire
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Data Collections
Sorted by Gloucestershire Newspapers & Publications
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Penny Magazine, 1832-18446,553
The Bristol Times And Mirror (Bristol, Gloucestershire, England)3,137
The Tewkesbury Yearly Register and Magazine, 1830-1850984
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Data Collections
Sorted by Gloucestershire Pictures
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There are no Pictures collections unique to Gloucestershire
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Data Collections
Sorted by Gloucestershire Schools, Directories & Church Histories
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UK, Midlands and Various UK Trade Directories, 1770-19418,555,301
Gloucestershire, England, Church of England Baptisms, 1813-19133,163,228
Gloucestershire, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-19381,492,754
Gloucestershire, England, Church of England Burials, 1813-1988826,003
Gloucestershire, England, Church of England Confirmations, 1834-191317,389
View all Gloucestershire Schools, Directories & Church Histories (7)

Data Collections
Sorted by Gloucestershire Court, Land, Wills & Financial
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Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-18331,045,856
Gloucestershire, England, Prison Records, 1728-1914236,710
Gloucestershire, England, Wills and Inventories, 1541-1858Free86,384
Web: Gloucestershire, England, Overseers Index, 1615-1888Free44,943
Abstracts of Gloucestershire inquisitiones post mortem1,535
View all Gloucestershire Court, Land, Wills & Financial (11)

Data Collections
Sorted by Gloucestershire Dictionaries, Encyclopedias & Reference
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There are no Dictionaries, Encyclopedias & Reference collections unique to Gloucestershire
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Data Collections
Sorted by Gloucestershire Maps, Atlases & Gazetteers
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There are no Maps, Atlases & Gazetteers collections unique to Gloucestershire
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Data Collections
Sorted by Gloucestershire Stories, Memories & Histories
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Abstracts of Gloucestershire inquisitiones post mortem1,535
History of Northumberland - 1811 Volume 2831
A calendar of wills proved in the Consistory Court of the bishop of Gloucester787
History of Bristol650
View all Gloucestershire Stories, Memories & Histories (32)