Source Information Ireland, Prison Registers, 1790-1924 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2020.
Original data: Ireland Prison Registers, National Archives of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland.

About Ireland, Prison Registers, 1790-1924

Historical Context

This collection includes records detailed in prison registers from across Ireland for the years 1790-1924. Originally serving largely as establishments for pre and post-trial detention as well as for the imprisonment of those who could not afford to pay their debts, gradual changes to the prison system in Ireland resulted in larger institutions, including four national convict prisons, 38 county prisons and 98 local jails. From 1850s, sentences of transportation were replaced with penal sentences and an emphasis was placed on reform.

Details for each individual recorded in this collection may include (where available):

  • Name
  • Residence
  • Place of birth
  • Occupation
  • Age
  • Offence
  • Sentence or discharge, or date and place of committal