Source Information Ireland, Petty Session Court Registers, 1818-1919 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2020.
Original data: Ireland Petty Session Court Registers: CSPS 1, National Archives of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland.

About Ireland, Petty Session Court Registers, 1818-1919

This collection includes details of petty session cases held in courts across Ireland for the years 1818-1926. It includes details of over 23 million individuals involved in petty session hearings.

Petty sessions were the lowest tier in the court system and usually involved cases such as drunkenness or minor theft. They were presided over by magistrates and did not involve a jury.

Details for each individual recorded in this collection may include (where available):

  • Name
  • Role in the case
  • Date of the hearing
  • Location of the court
  • Occupation
  • Offence