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Record information. Name Benjamin Parten[Benjamin Parton]Spouse Elizabeth PartenChildren Birth Residence xxxxxx LancashireRecord information. Name Elizabeth Parten[Elizabeth Parton]Spouse Benjamin PartenChildren Birth Residence xxxxxx LancashireRecord information. Name Thomas Parten[Thomas Parton?]Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Staffordshire, EnglandRecord information. Name Caroline Parten[Caroline Parton?]Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Staffordshire, EnglandRecord information. Name Ewen Parten[Ewen Parton?]Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Staffordshire, EnglandRecord information. Name Anne Parten[Anne Parton?]Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Staffordshire, EnglandRecord information. Name Mary Parten[Mary Parton?]Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Staffordshire, EnglandRecord information. Name Elizabeth Parten[Elizabeth Parton?]Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Staffordshire, EnglandRecord information. Name Sophia Parten[Sophia Parton]Birth abt 1791Residence xx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Middlesex, EnglandRecord information. Name Thomas Partin[Thomas Parton]Birth abt 1816 Staffordshire, EnglandResidence xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Staffordshire, EnglandRecord information. Name Jane Partin[Jane Parton]Birth abt 1821 Staffordshire, EnglandResidence xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Staffordshire, EnglandRecord information. Name Elizabeth Partin[Elizabeth Parton]Birth abt 1840 Staffordshire, EnglandResidence xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Staffordshire, EnglandRecord information. Name Peter Parten[Peter Parton]Birth xxxx xxxxxxxxxx Kent, EnglandResidence xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx Surrey, EnglandRecord information. Name Mary Parten[Mary Parton]Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Shropshire, EnglandRecord information. Name Arthur Partin[Arthur Parton]Spouse Mary PartinChildren Birth Residence xxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Cheshire, EnglandRecord information. Name Mary Partin[Mary Parton]Spouse Arthur PartinChildren Birth Residence xxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Cheshire, EnglandRecord information. Name Jame Partin[Jame Parton][Mary Jane Parton]Mother xxxx PartinFather xxxxxx PartinSibling Birth Residence xxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Cheshire, EnglandRecord information. Name Annie Partin[Annie Parton]Mother xxxx PartinFather xxxxxx PartinSibling Birth Residence xxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Cheshire, England
- 1851 England Census1850s
- 1851 England Census1850s
- 1851 England Census1850s
- [User-submitted-comment Parton][Charles Parton][Elizabeth Parten]MotherPartenFatherPartenSiblingBirthResidenceLancashire1851 England Census1850s
- 1871 England Census1870s
- 1871 England Census1870s
- 1871 England Census1870s
- 1871 England Census1870s
- 1871 England Census1870s
- 1871 England Census1870s
- 1841 England Census1840s
- 1841 England Census1840s
- 1841 England Census1840s
- [Elizabeth Parton]Birthabt 1840Staffordshire, EnglandResidenceStaffordshire, England1841 England Census1840s
- 1891 England Census1890s
- 1871 England Census1870s
- 1901 England Census1900s (Decade)
- 1901 England Census1900s (Decade)
- [Jame Parton][Mary Jane Parton]MotherPartinFatherPartinSiblingBirthResidenceCheshire, England1901 England Census1900s (Decade)
- 1901 England Census1900s (Decade)