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Record information. Name William P Letham[William Payton Ferris Latham]Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxx Suffolk, EnglandRecord information. Name William F Lathom[William F Latham]Birth xx xxx 1901Residence 1939 Middlesex, EnglandRecord information. Name Marian P C Lathom[Marian P C Latham]Birth x xxx 1902Residence 1939 Middlesex, EnglandRecord information. Name Joseph Lathem[Joseph Latham]Spouse Anne LathemChildren Birth Residence xxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx DerbyshireRecord information. Name Anne Lathem[Anne Latham]Spouse Joseph LathemChildren Birth Residence xxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx DerbyshireRecord information. Name Mary Jane Lathem[Mary Jane Latham]Mother xxxx LathemFather xxxxxx LathemBirth Residence xxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxxx DerbyshireRecord information. Name Mennie Lathom[Minnie Latham]Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxx Hampshire, EnglandRecord information. Name John Leetham[John Latham]Birth abt 1813Residence xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Wiltshire, EnglandRecord information. Name Margaret Lathum[Margaret Latham]Mother Birth Residence xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx CheshireRecord information. Name Sarah Lathum[Sarah Latham]Mother Birth Residence xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx CheshireRecord information. Name Joseph Lathem[Joseph Latham]Spouse Margaret LathemChildren Birth Residence xxxxxxx xxxxxxx CheshireRecord information. Name Margaret Lathem[Margaret Latham]Spouse Joseph LathemChildren Birth Residence xxxxxxx xxxxxxx CheshireRecord information. Name Margaret Ellen Lathem[Margaret Ellen Latham]Mother xxxxxxxx LathemFather xxxxxx LathemSibling Birth Residence xxxxxxx xxxxxxx CheshireRecord information. Name John Lathem[John Latham]Mother xxxxxxxx LathemFather xxxxxx LathemSibling Birth Residence xxxxxxx xxxxxxx CheshireRecord information. Name Frances Lathem[Frances Latham]Mother xxxxxxxx LathemFather xxxxxx LathemSibling Birth Residence xxxxxxx xxxxxxx CheshireRecord information. Name Richard Lathem[Richard Latham]Spouse Ann LathemChildren Birth Residence xxxxxx CheshireRecord information. Name Ann Lathem[Ann Latham]Spouse Richard LathemChildren Birth Residence xxxxxx Cheshire
- 1901 England Census1900s (Decade)
- 1851 England Census1850s
- 1851 England Census1850s
- 1851 England Census1850s
- 1901 England Census1900s (Decade)
- 1841 England Census1840s
- 1851 England Census1850s
- 1851 England Census1850s
- 1851 England Census1850s
- 1851 England Census1850s
- [Margaret Ellen Latham]MotherLathemFatherLathemSiblingBirthResidenceCheshire1851 England Census1850s
- 1851 England Census1850s
- 1851 England Census1850s
- 1851 England Census1850s
- 1851 England Census1850s
- 1851 England Census1850s
- 1851 England Census1850s
- 1851 England Census1850s