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Record information. Name Elsie Marie GallyerBirth Death x xxx 1956Record information. Name Elsie Marie GallyerBirth Death xxx x 1956Record information. Name Elsie Marie GallyerBirth Death xxx x 1956Record information. Name Betty Marie Comstock GallyerBirth Death xxx xx 2023Record information. Name Elsie Marie GallyerBirth Death xxx x 1956Record information. Name Maria (Maria Gabriel) Galler (Stephanus Galler)Birth Record information. Name Anna (Maria Gabriel) Galler (Stephanus Galler)Birth Record information. Name Jacobus (Maria Anna Weatergomin) Galler (Michael Galler)Birth Death xxx xx 1788Record information. Name Theresia (Anna Maria Vogenhoffer) Galler (Joannes Galler)Birth Record information. Name Theresia (Anna Maria Vogerhoffer) Galler (Joannes Galler)Birth Record information. Name Josephus (Anna Maria Vogerhoffer) Galler (Joannes Galler)Birth Record information. Name Theresia (Maria Huber) Galler (Stephanus Galler)Birth Record information. Name Anna Maria (Anna Maria Wertergamin) Galler (Michael Galler)Birth Death xxx xx 1785Record information. Name Jacobus (Maria Anna Weatergomin) Galler (Michael Galler)Birth Death xxx xx 1788Record information. Name Anna Maria (Anna Wezter) Galler (Michael Galler)Birth Death xxx xx 1795Record information. Name Anna Maria (Anna Wentergomin) Galler (Michael Galler)Birth Record information. Name Maria (Anna Szengl) Galler (Marton Galler)Birth Record information. Name Maria (Margar Heerin) Galler (Stephan Galler)Birth Death xxx xx 1882
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