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Record information. Name Jean LaurensBirth Death xxx xx 1770Record information. Name Jean LaurensBirth Death xxx xx 1770Record information. Name Jean LaurensBirth Death xxx xx 1770Record information. Name Jean LaurensBirth Death xxx xx 1770Record information. Name Jean LaurensBirth Record information. Name Jean LaurensBirth Record information. Name Jean LaurensBirth Record information. Name Jean LaurensBirth Record information. Name Jean LaurensBirth Record information. Name Jean francois LaurensBirth Record information. Name Jean Baptiste LaurensBirth Record information. Name Anna Salome LorentzBirth Death x xxx 1771Record information. Name Jan LourensBirth Record information. Name Jan LourensBirth Record information. Name Jan LourensRecord information. Name Hester Anna LaurensRecord information. Name Marie Jeanne LaurensBirth Record information. Name Anna Margrieta LourensBirth Record information. Name Anna Catharina LourensBirth Record information. Name Jean Mc Lauren
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