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Record information. Name Regula NaefBirth Death xxx xx 1734Record information. Name Regula Nuss/Naef MeiliBirth Death xx xxx 1734Record information. Name Regula Nuss/NaefBirth Death xx xxx 1734Record information. Name Regula Naeff Naff NaveBirth Record information. Name Regula Naeff NaffBirth Record information. Name Ragula (Zimmerman) NäfBirth Death xx xxx 1679Record information. Name Ragula (Zimmerman) NäfBirth Death xx xxx 1679Record information. Name Louis R. NaefBirth Death xxx x 1935Record information. Name Louis R. NaefBirth Death xxx x 1935Record information. Name Amalia R NaefBirth Death 1976Record information. Name Donald R. NaefBirth Death xxx x 1988Record information. Name Rachel NaeffBirth Death 1805Record information. Name Rachel Teal BARLEY NaffBirth Death xxx xx 1939Record information. Name Rachel KnifeBirth Death xxx xx 1911Record information. Name Rachel KnifeBirth Death xxx xx 1911Record information. Name Rachel KnifeBirth Death xxx xx 1911Record information. Name Rachel E NeifBirth Death xxx xx 1952Record information. Name Rachel E NeifBirth Death xxx xx 1952Record information. Name Rachel E NeifBirth Death xxx xx 1952Record information. Name Sallie R NafeBirth
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