Record information. Name Aviragus (King) of the BRITONS aka Gweirdd (Gweirydd) Arviragus (King) of SILURIA; (Avarigus Arviragas Arfyrag) 40 generations from Judah ibn Jacob ibn Isaac ibn Abraham .....Death 74Record information. Name Aviragus (King) of the BRITONS aka Gweirdd (Gweirydd) Arviragus (King) of SILURIA; (Avarigus Arviragas Arfyrag) Became King in 62 CE. 40 generations to Judah, Head of the 1st Tribe of Israel, son of Jacob, to Isaac, to Abraham ...Death 74Record information. Name Aviragus (King) of the BRITONS aka Gweirdd (Gweirydd) Arviragus (King) of SILURIA; (Avarigus Arviragas Arfyrag) Became King in 62 CE. 40 generations to Judah, Head of the 1st Tribe of Israel, son of Jacob, to Isaac, to Abraham ...Death 74Record information. Name Aviragus (King) of the BRITONS aka Gweirdd (Gweirydd) Arviragus (King) of SILURIA; (Avarigus Arviragas Arfyrag) Became King in 62 CE. 40 generations to Judah, Head of the 1st Tribe of Israel, son of Jacob, to Isaac, to Abraham ...Death 74Record information. Name Esther/Hadassah the Benjamite (dau. of Abihail) grandaughter of Shimei/great neice of Israel's King Saul (Ancestors:/ Esther's father was brother of Jair/Jair/Kish/Abiel/Zeror/Becorath /Aphia/BENJAMIN, Jacob, Isaac,Abraham,Terah)Record information. Name Esther/Hadassah the Benjamite (dau. of Abihail) grandaughter of Shimei/great neice of Israel's King Saul (Ancestors:/ Esther's father was brother of Jair/Jair/Kish/Abiel/Zeror/Becorath /Aphia/BENJAMIN, Jacob, Isaac,Abraham,Terah)Record information. Name Esther/Hadassah the Benjamite (dau. of Abihail) grandaughter of Shimei/great neice of Israel's King Saul (Ancestors:/ Esther's father was brother of Jair/Jair/Kish/Abiel/Zeror/Becorath /Aphia/BENJAMIN, Jacob, Isaac,Abraham,Terah)