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Record information. Name George Daniel QuigginsBirth Death Record information. Name George Daniel QuigginsBirth Death Record information. Name George Pierman QuigginsBirth Death xxx xx 2016Record information. Name George Pierman QuigginsBirth Death xxx xx 2016Record information. Name George Piermon QuigginsBirth Death xxx xx 2016Record information. Name George Pierman QuigginsBirth Death 2017Record information. Name George Daniel QuigginsBirth Death xxx xx 1989Record information. Name George Daniel QuigginsBirth Death xxx xx 1989Record information. Name George P QuigginBirth Death xxx xx 1924Record information. Name George P QuigginBirth Death xxx xx 1924Record information. Name George P. Quiggin , SR,Civil War Soldier, 5th C , 3xRem of J Heinrich Schatzmann (1947--Birth Death xxx xx 1924Record information. Name George P. QuigginBirth Death xxx x 1952Record information. Name George P. QuigginBirth Death xxx x 1952Record information. Name George P. QuigginBirth Death xxx x 1952Record information. Name LARRY George QuigginsBirth Death xx xxx 2003Record information. Name LARRY George QuigginsBirth Death xx xxx 2003Record information. Name LARRY George QuigginsBirth Death xx xxx 2003Record information. Name LARRY George QuigginsBirth Death xx xxx 2003Record information. Name LARRY George QuigginsBirth Death xx xxx 2003Record information. Name LARRY George QuigginsBirth Death xx xxx 2003
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