Record information. Name Christine A Brady CaswellBirth Record information. Name William or UNKNOWN branched from a yonger son of the Careswells of Staffordshire (or another Henry?) (leading to the North Carol CARSWELL CASWELL CASWALL(?) Careswell no caswallsRecord information. Name William or UNKNOWN branched from a yonger son of the Careswells of Staffordshire (or another Henry?) (leading to the North Carol CARSWELL CASWELL CASWALL(?) Careswell no caswallsRecord information. Name representing a number of LEOMINSTER generations betw the reign of Edward III & Elizabeth 1 c.1558- 1603 Caswall Caswell CarsewellRecord information. Name Carole A Cassello (Huff)Birth Death xx xxx 2010
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