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Record information. Name Norman WynbrandtSpouse Regina SzermanMarriage xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx London, United KingdomRecord information. Name Victor WynbrandtBirth Death Record information. Name Ruth Ginis WynbrandtBirth Death xx xxx 1994Record information. Name Ronald Harvey WynbrandtBirth Death xxx x 1983Record information. Name Ronald Harvey WynbrandtBirth Death xxx x 1983Record information. Name William WenbrandRecord information. Name Mary Ann WenbrandBaptism - North Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1558-1812Birth, Baptism & Christening
Record information. Name Simond WanbrandBaptism xx xxx xxxx Yorkshire, England Record information. Name William WenbrandRecord information. Name Mary Ann WenbrandBaptism Record information. Name Benjamin WeinbrandtDeparture Arrival xx xxx xxxx Glasgow, ScotlandRecord information. Name Ruby WeinbrandtBirth Departure Arrival xx xxx xxxx Southampton, EnglandRecord information. Name Hugo WeinbrandtBirth Departure Arrival x xxx xxxx Liverpool, EnglandRecord information. Name Justine WienbrandtBirth Departure Arrival xx xxx xxxx Southampton, EnglandRecord information. Name Justine WienbrandtBirth Departure Arrival xx xxx xxxx Southampton, EnglandRecord information. Name Elisabeth WenbrandMarriage - North Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1558-1812Birth, Baptism & Christening
Record information. Name John WanbrandMarriage xx xxx xxxx Yorkshire, England Record information. Name Elisabeth WenbrandMarriage - East Sussex, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812Birth, Baptism & Christening
Record information. Name Elizabeth Wenbrand
- SpouseRegina SzermanMarriageLondon, United KingdomEngland & Wales, Civil Registration Marriage Index, 1916-2005Marriage & Divorce
- BirthDeath1952Private Member PhotosPictures
- BirthDeath1933Private Member PhotosPictures
- BirthDeath1994Private Member PhotosPictures
- England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BaptismEngland, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BaptismYorkshire, EnglandNorth Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1558-1812Birth, Baptism & Christening
- England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975Birth, Baptism & Christening
- BaptismEngland, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975Birth, Baptism & Christening
- DepartureArrivalGlasgow, ScotlandUK and Ireland, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1878-1960Passenger Lists
- BirthDepartureArrivalSouthampton, EnglandUK and Ireland, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1878-1960Passenger Lists
- BirthDepartureArrivalLiverpool, EnglandUK and Ireland, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1878-1960Passenger Lists
- BirthDepartureArrivalSouthampton, EnglandUK and Ireland, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1878-1960Passenger Lists
- BirthDepartureArrivalSouthampton, EnglandUK and Ireland, Incoming Passenger Lists, 1878-1960Passenger Lists
- MarriageEngland & Wales Marriages, 1538-1988Marriage & Divorce
- MarriageYorkshire, EnglandNorth Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1558-1812Birth, Baptism & Christening
- MarriageEngland, Select Marriages, 1538-1973Marriage & Divorce
- East Sussex, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812Birth, Baptism & Christening