Record information. Name Isaac Ische Yichai WahlBirth Death 1782Record information. Name Ische Ychai WahlBirth Death 1782Record information. Name Isaac Ische Yishai WahlBirth Death 1782Record information. Name Isaak WahlBirth Record information. Name Jake WahlRecord information. Name Jack Joseph WallRecord information. Name Jack Joseph WallRecord information. Name Jack Joseph WallRecord information. Name *Dumzi Dumuziud "the Shepherd" from Bad-tibira. aka Tammuz. "Wall of the Copper Workers"modern Tell AL-Madineh, between Ash Shatrah and Tell as-Senkereh (ancient Larsa) in southern Iraq,Record information. Name *Dumzi Dumuziud "the Shepherd" from Bad-tibira. aka Tammuz. "Wall of the Copper Workers"modern Tell AL-Madineh, between Ash Shatrah and Tell as-Senkereh (ancient Larsa) in southern Iraq,Record information. Name *Dumzi Dumuziud "the Shepherd" from Bad-tibira. aka Tammuz. "Wall of the Copper Workers"modern Tell AL-Madineh, between Ash Shatrah and Tell as-Senkereh (ancient Larsa) in southern Iraq,