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Te Urapa Mona Ngapo

Birth1878 - Kennedy's Bay, Coromandel, New Zealand
Death19 Dec 1959 - Kennedy's Bay, Coromandel, New Zealand
MotherNot Available
FatherPineamine Ngapo

Born in Kennedy's Bay, Coromandel, New Zealand on 1878 to Pineamine Ngapo. Te Urapa Mona Ngapo married Paki Te Rangi Mc Gregor and had 14 children. He passed away on 19 Dec 1959 in Kennedy's Bay, Coromandel, New Zealand.

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Te Urapa Mona Ngapo family tree

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Pineamine Ngapo
Unknown - Unknown
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Not Available
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Paki Te Rangi Mc Gregor
1880 - 1963
Children Show all
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Queene Ane Kuini Ngapo
1902 - Unknown
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Sophia Whataai-iwi Ngapu Ngapo
1919 - 1997
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Ellen Erana Teowaiua Helen Ray Kawa Ngapo
1907 - Unknown
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Pine Ngapo
1926 - 1926
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Maggi Maki Makere Ngapo
1910 - Unknown
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Gunty Hekiera Tuterangi Haig Ngapo
1915 - 1969
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Rere Tofua Reremoana Ngapo
1918 - 1972

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Herewaka Rangi Ngapo
1922 - 1923
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Maryanne Mereana Raukete Mena Ngapo
1908 - Unknown
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Mack Te Morehu Matua Kore Ngapo
1923 - 1989
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Rangi Heeni Herewaka Ngapo
1905 - 1950
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Polly Heni Parehiriwa Ngapo
1899 - 1922
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Bishop Roera Korohere Ngapo
1911 - 1971
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Thompson Pineamine Tamihana Teheyheu Ngapo
1904 - 1974

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