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Results for "Zion"

1 - 25 of 3,144 Records

Wayne Milton Zion - 1916 to 1987

Birth: 1916/09/14 Coloradobirth0

Death: 1987/01 Independence, Jackson, Missouri, United States of Americadeath0


Father: John Milton Zion

Mother: Verna Melinda Willoughby

Oscar Perlin Zion - 1879 to 1957

Birth: 1879 , Wells, Indiana, USAbirth1

Death: 1957 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Thomas Jefferson Zion

Mother: Mary Adeline Ellsworth

Robert F Zion - 1920 to 2009

Birth: 7 April 1920 Chouteau County, Montana, USAbirth2

Death: 22 October 2009 Great Falls, Cascade, Montana, USAdeath2


Father: Franklin Alvin Zion

Mother: Nancy Henrietta Bucy

Oscar Perlin Zion - 1879 to 1957

Birth: 1879 , Wells, Indiana, USAbirth3

Death: 1957 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Thomas Jefferson Zion

Mother: Mary Adeline Ellsworth

Jonathan ZION - 1814 to 1885

Birth: 14 Jul 1814 Washington, Virginia, USAbirth4

Death: 30 Nov 1885 Sperry, Des Moines, Iowa, USAdeath4


Father: Jacob Ceon Zion

Mother: Catherine Fleenor

Anne Belle Zion - 1855 to 1930

Birth: Mar 1855 Indianabirth5

Death: Before 1930 California, USAdeath5


Father: John Perry ZION

Mother: Nancy Grismore

George Zion - 1927 to 2009

Birth: 9 Jul 1927 Lafayette, Allen, Indiana, USAbirth6

Death: 3 Oct 2009 Yoder, Allen, Indiana, USAdeath6


Father: William Zion

Mother: Addie Lillian Middaugh

Abraham D Zion - 1817 to 1886

Birth: 26 JAN 1817 Lee Co, VAbirth7

Death: 25 Aug 1886 Pennington Gap, Lee, Virginia, United Statesdeath7


Father: John W Zion

Mother: Susannah Davis

Joe Zion - 1922 to 1993

Birth: 19 Nov 1922 Craig, Moffat, Coloradobirth8

Death: 29 Dec 1993 Winlock, Lewis, Washington, USAdeath8


Father: Perry Glenn Zion

Mother: Alta Louisa Hall

Melvin Zion - 1929 to 2011

Birth: 27 Jun 1929 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAbirth9

Death: 10 Jan 2011 Garnett Valley, Delaware, Pennsylvania, USAdeath9


Father: Jacob Zion

Mother: Rose Kahn

Abraham D Zion - 1817 to 1886

Birth: 26 JAN 1817 Lee Co, VAbirth10

Death: 25 Aug 1886 Pennington Gap, Lee, Virginia, United Statesdeath10


Father: John W Zion

Mother: Susannah Davis

Cleo Zion - 1903 to 1982

Birth: 15 Aug 1903 Matoy, I.T., (OK)birth11

Death: 19 May 1982 Caney, Atoka, Oklahoma, United States of Americadeath11


Father: Henry Wilson Zion

Mother: Ora M Matoy

William Early Zion - 1872 to 1955

Birth: 15 Aug 1872 Sherman, Grayson County, Texasbirth12

Death: 30 Nov 1955 Matoy, Bryan, Oklahoma, United Statesdeath12


Father: Harvey Zion

Mother: Mary Elmira Kirk

Susan R. Zion - 1835 to 1921

Birth: abt 1835 Virginiabirth13

Death: 25 Mar 1921 Lee, Virginia, United Statesdeath13


Father: John W Zion

Mother: Susannah Davis

Ralph Joseph Zion - 1890 to 1944

Birth: 4 May 1890 Nebraskabirth14

Death: 1 JUL 1944 Independence, Jackson Co., MOdeath14


Father: Joseph Milton Zion

Mother: Anna Dorothy Sterett

Earl Owen Zion - 1896 to 1981

Birth: 21 May 1896 Indianabirth15

Death: Jan 1981 Phoenix, Arizonadeath15


Father: Noah Edward Zion

Mother: Luetta Woods

McCormic Zion - 1795 to 1863

Birth: 22 Jan 1795 North Fork Holstein River, Washington, Virginia, USAbirth16

Death: 26 Dec 1863 Decatur City, Decatur, Iowa, United Statesdeath16


Father: John W Zion

Mother: Lucy McCormick

Jacqualine Sue Zion - 1934 to 1970

Birth: 22 Aug 1934 Allen County, Indiana, USAbirth17

Death: 21 September 1970 Catoosa, Georgia, USAdeath17


Father: Earl Jasper Zion

Mother: Velma Lovey Bumgardner

Paul M ZION - 1904 to 1942

Birth: 26 Dec 1904 Roanoke, Indianabirth18

Death: 26 JAN 1942 of, Allen , Indiana, United Statesdeath18


Father: Perlin Oscar Zion

Mother: Thurza T Baker

Theordore L Zion - 1844 to 1919

Birth: 18 Aug 1844 Indianabirth19

Death: 05 Aug 1919 Lynn Haven, Bay, Florida, USAdeath19


Father: William Zion

Mother: Amelia Russell Sims

Susannah Newhouse Zion - 1815 to 1905

Birth: 16 SEP 1815 Lee Co., Virginiabirth20

Death: 16 Oct 1905 Jacktown, Delaware, Indiana, USAdeath20


Father: George Zion

Mother: Nancy R. Wallace

Cleo Zion - 1903 to 1982

Birth: 15 Aug 1903 Matoy, I.T., (OK)birth21

Death: 19 May 1982 Caney, Atoka, Oklahoma, United States of Americadeath21


Father: Henry Wilson Zion

Mother: Ora M Matoy

Walter D Zion - 1930 to 2004

Birth: 10 Mar 1930 Indianabirth22

Death: 5 Jul 2004 Palos Heights, Cook, Illinois, United States of Americadeath22


Father: Frederick Zion

Mother: Effie Alma HAMILTON ZION

William Zion - 1916 to 1986

Birth: 10 Mar 1916 Matoy, Bryan Co., OKbirth23

Death: 26 Feb 1986 Fort Morgan, Morgan, Colorado, United Statesdeath23


Father: William Early Zion

Mother: Ida Belle Boydston

Ethel Minerva Zion - 1925 to 2007

Birth: 14 Nov 1925 Fruita, Mesa, Colorado, United Statesbirth24

Death: 04 Sep 2007 Plattsmith, Nebraskadeath24


Father: Peter L Zion

Mother: Sophronia Jane Wilkinson Watson

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