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Results for "Yeomans"

1 - 25 of 26,425 Records

Beverly Yeomans - 1933 to 2003

Birth: 22 Jul 1933 Valdosta Low, Georgiabirth0

Death: 5 Nov 2003 Valdosta, Lowndes, Georgia, USAdeath0


Father: William Russell Yeomans

Mother: Beulah Luke

Mildred Y Yeomans - 1899 to 1977

Birth: Oct 1899 New Yorkbirth1

Death: 1977 New Baltimore New Yorkdeath1


Father: Oscar Eugene Yeomans

Mother: Jennie Mae Hotaling

Lillian Arlene Yeomans - 1926 to 2011

Birth: 20 July 1926 New York, USAbirth2

Death: 22 Jun 2011 Kauneonga Lake, Sullivan County NYdeath2


Father: Howard Henry Yeomans

Mother: Jessie Rowena Mumford


Birth: 6 Nov 1918 Georgiabirth3

Death: 19 Jun 1987 Augusta, Columbia, Georgia, USAdeath3


Father: Archie Cleveland Yeomans

Mother: Leona Lee Finley

Fanny Yeomans - 1838 to 1907

Birth: Jun 1838 Luddington, Northamptonshire, Englandbirth4

Death: July 1907 Hendon, Middlesexdeath4


Father: Edward Yeomans

Mother: Martha Gilbert*

Sallie Ann Yeomans - 1885 to 1950

Birth: Jun 1885 Emanuel County, Georgia, USAbirth5

Death: 4 October 1950 Blackshear, Pierce, Georgia, USAdeath5


Father: James Buchanan Yeomans

Mother: Susan A. Daughtry Yeomans

Joseph Charles Yeomans - 1813 to 1872

Birth: 1813 Bristol, Gloucestershire, Englandbirth6

Death: 1872 Holborn, Middlesex, Englanddeath6


Father: Charles Crawley Yeomans

Mother: Ann Jones

Wilber H Yeomans - 1873 to 1966

Birth: Jul 1873 Ohiobirth7

Death: 27 Dec 1966 Public/Otherdeath7


Father: Orville Yeomans

Mother: Eliza Hull

John Nelson Yeomans - 1843 to 1934

Birth: 29 May 1843 Raleigh Twp, Ontario, Canada (Nova Scotia)birth8

Death: 5 March 1934 Chatham, Kent, Ontario, Canadadeath8


Father: John Nelson Yeomans, Sr

Mother: Hannah Baker

Archie Yeomans - 1885 to 1976

Birth: 7 July 1885 Troy, Bradford, PAbirth9

Death: 11 Sept 1976 Friendship, Allegany, New York, United States of Americadeath9


Father: Pellisieur Yeomans

Mother: Victoria Susannah Wagar

(Ethel) Maude Yeomans - 1889 to 1954

Birth: 10 Oct 1889 United Statesbirth10

Death: 22 Oct 1954 New Yorkdeath10


Father: Newell Adolphus Yeomans

Mother: Euphrasia Diane Fuller

Maud Irene Yeomans - 1890 to 1945

Birth: 25 Dec 1890 Dimock Township, PAbirth11

Death: 06 Mar 1945 Binghamton, New Yorkdeath11


Father: Joseph Oscar Yeomans

Mother: Caroline B McKeeby

Charles Yeomans - 1850 to 1935

Birth: 12 january 1850 hamil burslem stoke on trent staffordshirebirth12

Death: Oct/Nov/Dec 1935 burslem stoke on trent staffordshire englanddeath12


Father: Joseph Yeomans

Mother: Elizabeth Williamson

Daniel J YEOMANS - 1827 to 1914

Birth: 6 Jan 1827 Franklin Township, Bergen, New Jersey, United Statesbirth13

Death: 31 MAY 1914 Ridgewood, Bergen Co, NJdeath13



Mother: Rebecca Forshee

Steven C Yeomans - 1855 to 1928

Birth: 18 Sep 1855 Baxley, Appling, Georgia, United Statesbirth14

Death: 16 Jul 1928 Alamo, Wheeler, Georgia, United Statesdeath14


Father: James Yeomans

Mother: Martha J Youmans

Jennie Yeomans - 1873 to 1958

Birth: abt 1873 New Yorkbirth15

Death: 26 June 1958 Poughkeepsie, Dutchess, New York, USAdeath15


Father: William Edward Decker

Mother: Armenia Walters

Mary Ann Yeomans - 1846 to 1914

Birth: 15 Apr 1846 Emanuel County, Georgia, USAbirth16

Death: 26 Mar 1914 Braddy Cemetery, Montgomery, Georgia, United Statesdeath16


Father: Ephraim Yeomans

Mother: Temperance Ann Sutton

Jonathan Yeomans - 1771 to 1864

Birth: 12 Oct 1771 Fort Lee, Bergen County, New Jersey, USAbirth17

Death: 20 Sep 1864 Wall, Monmouth, New Jersey, USAdeath17


Father: Jeremiah Youmans

Mother: Antje Veltman

Benjamin Clyde Yeomans - 1899 to 1972

Birth: 28 Mar 1899 Claxton Town, Tattnall, Georgia, United Statesbirth18

Death: 31 May 1972 Savannah, Chatham, Georgia, United Statesdeath18


Father: David Benjamin Yeomans

Mother: Nancy Eugenia Rogers

Joseph Charles Yeomans - 1813 to 1872

Birth: 1813 Bristol, Gloucestershire, Englandbirth19

Death: 1872 Holborn, Middlesex, Englanddeath19


Father: Charles Crawley Yeomans

Mother: Ann Jones

Sarah Yeomans - 1826 to 1875

Birth: 3 Sep 1826 Ashbourne, Derbyshire, Englandbirth20

Death: Feb 1875 Ashbourne, Derbyshire, Englanddeath20


Father: Thomas Yeomans

Mother: Sarah Clark

Clinton Babcock Yeomans - 1920 to 2011

Birth: 11/21/1920 Cleveland, Ohio, USAbirth21

Death: 01/15/2011 Peterborough, Hillsborough, New Hampshiredeath21


Father: Howard William Yeomans

Mother: Elsie Burke

Bryant J. Yeomans - 1865 to 1905

Birth: 9 Jul 1865 Emanuel, County, Georgiabirth22

Death: 30 Nov 1905 Emanuel, Georgia, United Statesdeath22


Father: James Buchanan Yeomans

Mother: Lou Sarah Bazemore

Jordan C Yeomans - 1859 to 1913

Birth: 11 Jan 1859 Emanuel, Georgia, United Statesbirth23

Death: 14 Feb 1913 Emanuel, Georgia, United Statesdeath23


Father: James Buchanan Yeomans

Mother: Lou Sarah Bazemore

Maria Elizabeth Yeomans - 1844 to 1893

Birth: 1844 Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniabirth24

Death: 17 Oct 1893 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United death24


Father: Jacob Human (not verified)

Mother: Elizabeth Edwards (not verified)

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