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Results for "Yellowtail"

1 - 25 of 55 Records

Josiah Yellowtail - 1903 to 1993

Birth: 07 Mar 1903 Crow Reservation, Rosebud, Montana, USAbirth0

Death: 24 Nov 1993 Warm Springs, Oregon, USAdeath0


Father: Chief

Mother: Elizabeth Frazee Shane Yellowtail

Winona Yellowtail - 1917 to 2012

Birth: 12 May 1917 Wyola, Montana, USAbirth1

Death: 6 March 2012 Lodge Grass, Big Horn County, Montana, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Robert Summers Yellowtail

Mother: Clara Spotted Horse

Elizabeth A Yellowtail - 1923 to 1975

Birth: Abt. 1923 Crow Reservation, Big Horn Co., MTbirth2

Death: 22 Jun 1975 Crow Reservation, Big Horn Co., MTdeath2


Father: Carson Yellow Tail

Mother: Irene Not Afraid

Lorena Mae Yellowtail - 1927 to 2015

Birth: 1 Mar 1927 Pryor, Big Horn County, Montana, United States of Americabirth3

Death: 04 Dec 2015 Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USAdeath3


Father: Robert Summers Yellowtail

Mother: Lillian Bull Shons Yellow Tail

Rudolph K Yellowtail - 1958 to 2006

Birth: 15 Apr 1958 Los Angeles, Californiabirth4

Death: 18 Dec 2006 Hays, Blaine, Montanadeath4


Father: Bruce Kenny Yellow Tail

Mother: Thelma Elizabeth Striker

Amy Yellow Tail - 1895 to 1992

Birth: 15 Oct 1895 Crow Reservation, Custer, Montana, USAbirth5

Death: Nov 1992 Lodge Grass, Big Horn, Montana, USAdeath5


Father: Hawk With Yellow Tail

Mother: Elizabeth "Lizzie" Chien Shane

Buford Yellowtail - 1920 to 1920

Birth: 1920 Crow Reservation, Big Horn, Montana, USAbirth6

Death: 1920 Crow Reservation, Big Horn, Montana, USAdeath6


Father: Robert Summers Yellowtail

Mother: Clara Spotted Horse

Nancy Agnes Yellowtail - 1908 to 2004

Birth: abt 1908 Montanabirth7

Death: 3 Apr 2004 Deaconess Hospital, Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USAdeath7


Father: Hawk With Yellow Tail

Mother: Elizabeth "Lizzie" Chien Shane

Robert Summers Yellowtail - 1887 to 1988

Birth: 4 August 1887 Montanabirth8

Death: 15 Jun 1988 Lodge Grass, Big Horn, Montana, USAdeath8


Father: Hawk With Yellow Tail

Mother: Elizabeth "Lizzie" Chien\Shane

Winona Yellowtail - 1917 to 2012

Birth: 12 May 1917 Wyola, Big Horn Co., MTbirth9

Death: 06 Mar 2012 Crow Agency, Big Horn, Montana, USAdeath9


Father: Robert Summers Yellowtail

Mother: Clara SpottedHorse

Bruce K Yellowtail - 1931 to 1999

Birth: 12 Oct 1931 Crow Reservation, Big Horn, Montana, USAbirth10

Death: 19 Dec 1999 Crow Reservation, Big Horn Co., MTdeath10


Father: Josiah Thomas Yellow Tail

Mother: Susie Walking Bear

Lorena Mae Yellowtail - 1927 to 2015

Birth: 1 Mar 1927 Pryor Big Horn, Montana, USAbirth11

Death: 04 Dec 2015 Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USAdeath11


Father: Robert Yellow Tail

Mother: Lillian Bull Shows

Josiah Thomas Yellow Tail - 1903

Birth: 7 May 1903 Crow Indian Reservation, Rosebud, Montana, USAbirth12

Death: Not Available Oregon, USAdeath12


Father: Hawk With Yellow Tail

Mother: Elizabeth "Lizzie" Chien Shane

Ruben Yellowtail - 1953

Birth: 2 Jan 1953 Crow Agency, Big Horn, Montana, USAbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Yellow Tail

Mother: Marie White Clay

Virjama Yellowtail - 1930 to 2012

Birth: 5/13/1930 Sheridan, Sheridan, Wyoming, USAbirth14

Death: 18 September 2012 Sheridan, Madison County, Montana, USAdeath14


Father: Josiah Thomas Yellow Tail

Mother: Susie Walking Bear

Larry Dean Yellowtail - 1952 to 2008

Birth: 22 Aug 1952 Crow Agency, Big Horn County, Montana, USAbirth15

Death: 13 Apr 2008 Crow Agency, Big Horn, Montanadeath15


Father: Robert "Bobby" Bends

Mother: Clara Ruth Hill-Bends

Carson Yellow Tail - 1892 to 1962

Birth: 1892 Crow Indian Reservation, Custer, Montana, USAbirth16

Death: 10 Jan 1962 Crow Reservation, Big Horn, Montana, USAdeath16


Father: Hawk With Yellow Tail

Mother: Elizabeth "Lizzie" Chien Shane

Amy Yellowtail - 1896

Birth: 1896 Montanabirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Chief

Mother: M

Rudolph Yellowtail - 1919 to 1979

Birth: Abt. 1919 Crow Reservation, Big Horn Co., MTbirth18

Death: 13 Aug 1979 Crow Reservation, Big Horn Co., MTdeath18


Father: Carson Yellow Tail

Mother: Irene Not Afraid

Thomas Yellowtail - 1903

Birth: 1903

Death: Not Available


Father: Yellowtail

Mother: Lizzie Davis

Kenneth Yellowtail - 1925 to 2003

Birth: 2 Jan 1925 Lodge Grass, Montanabirth20

Death: 10 Aug 2003


Father: Carson Yellow Tail

Mother: Irene Not Afraid

Martha Yellowtail - 1921 to 1921

Birth: 29 Mar 1921 Crow Agency, Big Horn, Montana, USAbirth21

Death: 12 Nov 1921 Big Horn, Montana, USAdeath21


Father: Carson Yellow Tail

Mother: Irene Not Afraid

Joan Burns Yellowtail - 1938 to 2010

Birth: 5 Jun 1938 Crow Agencybirth22

Death: 13 Dec 2010 Billings, Yellowstone, Montanadeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Jeanette Pearl Burns

Hawk With Yellow Tail - 1863 to 1928

Birth: 1863 Montanabirth23

Death: 14 Mar 1928 Crow Reservation, Big Horn, Montana, USAdeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Satta Satto Yellowtail - 1836 to 1911

Birth: 1836 Ft, Washakie, Wyoming, USAbirth24

Death: May 11, 1911 Wind River Res, Fort Washakie, Fremont, Wyomingdeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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