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Results for "Yellowhair"

1 - 25 of 166 Records

Wilma Joe Yellowhair - 1936 to 2003

Birth: 25 Jun 1936 Concho, Oklahomabirth0

Death: 3 Nov 2003 Geary, Blaine, Oklahoma, USAdeath0


Father: Gustave Yellowhair

Mother: Mary Ellen Miller

Dan Yellowhair - 1916 to 1996

Birth: 15 Dec 1916 Kayenta, Navajo, Arizona, United Statesbirth1

Death: 24 Aug 1996 Kayenta, Navajo, Arizona, USAdeath1


Father: Dave Yellowhair

Mother: Ora

Edward W Yellowhair - 1858 to 1926

Birth: Mar 1858 Florida, USAbirth2

Death: 1926 Leon County, Florida, USAdeath2


Father: Unknown Yellowhair

Mother: Handa Yellowhair

Ross Yellowhair - 1904 to 1961

Birth: January 1904 USAbirth3

Death: 4 June 1961 Tuba City, Coconino, Arizona, USAdeath3


Father: Standing Rock

Mother: Yellowhair's Daughter Rock

Wilbert Yellowhair - 1960 to 2002

Birth: 7 Feb 1960 Ganado Apach, Arizonabirth4

Death: 23 Jun 2002 Winslow, Navajo, Arizona, USAdeath4


Father: Stanley Yellowhair

Mother: Alice Yellowhair

Leon Yellowhair - 1911 to 2001

Birth: 11th November 1911 Steamboat, Apache, Arizona, United Statesbirth5

Death: 16 Oct 2001 Payson Arizona USAdeath5


Father: Peter Yellowhair

Mother: Mae Tsosie Pete

Zonnie Yellowhair - 1926 to 2016

Birth: abt 1926 Pinon, Apache, Arizona, United Statesbirth6

Death: June 11 2016 Pinon, Apache, Arizona, United Statesdeath6


Father: Yellowhair Bekis

Mother: Yellowhair Bekis

Descheenie Yellowhair - 1894 to 1978

Birth: 1 Jul 1894 Copper Mine, Arizona, USAbirth7

Death: Jun 1978 Kayenta, Navajo, Arizona, USAdeath7


Father: Lukaha Hosteen

Mother: Ason Descheene

Margaret Adell Yellowhair - 1872 to 1952

Birth: 27 Mar 1872 Tallahassee, Leon, Florida, USAbirth8

Death: 29 Oct 1952 Leon County, Florida, USAdeath8


Father: Edward W Yellowhair

Mother: Elnora Hunter

Thomas Yellowhair - 1948 to 1987

Birth: 21 Dec 1948 Ganado, Arizonabirth9

Death: Aug 1987 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USAdeath9


Father: Leon Yellowhair

Mother: Margaret Smith

Thelma Yellowhair - 1915 to 2002

Birth: 12 July 1915 White Cone, Navajo, Arizona, United Statesbirth10

Death: 06 December 2002 White Cone, Navajo, Arizona, United Statesdeath10


Father: Peter Yellowhair

Mother: Maggie Yellowhair

Thelma Yellowhair - 1915 to 2002

Birth: 12 July 1915 White Cone, Navajo, Arizona, United Statesbirth11

Death: 06 December 2002 White Cone, Navajo, Arizona, United Statesdeath11


Father: Peter Yellowhair

Mother: Maggie Yellowhair

Viola Yellowhair - 1929 to 2007

Birth: 7 May 1929 Oklahomabirth12

Death: 16 Jan 2007 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USAdeath12


Father: Gustave Yellowhair sr.

Mother: Mary Ellen Miller Yellowhair

Mary Sweeney Yellow Hair - 1867 to 1946

Birth: May 1867 South Dakotabirth13

Death: 14 Jun 1946 Charles Mix, South Dakotadeath13


Father: Charles Pierre Barbier

Mother: Kate Meriam "Wanagiska" White Ghost "Wahi Mato" Bear

Stanley Yellowhair - 1924 to 1960

Birth: 10 October 1924 White Cone, Navajo, Arizona, United Statesbirth14

Death: 17 Dec 1960 Coconino, Arizona, USAdeath14


Father: Peter Yellowhair

Mother: Maggie Yellowhair

Esther Yellow Hair - 1906 to 1980

Birth: 30 Nov 1906 South Dakotabirth15

Death: Oct 1980 Martin, Bennett, South Dakota, USAdeath15


Father: Daniel Yellow Hair

Mother: Louise Marshall

Maggie Yellowhair - 1890 to 1985

Birth: 25 Dec 1890 Whitecone, Arizonabirth16

Death: Feb 1985 Indian Wells, Navajo, Arizona, USAdeath16


Father: Hastiin Beeshbito

Mother: Sally Pete

Clifford Yellowhair - 1950 to 1973

Birth: 19 November 1950 Pinon, Navajo, Arizona, United Statesbirth17

Death: May 1973 Pinon, Navajo, Arizona, United Statesdeath17


Father: Yellowhair Bekis

Mother: Yellowhair Bekis

Marie Yellowhair - 1924 to 2014

Birth: about 1924 Pinon, Navajo, Arizona, United Statesbirth18

Death: abt 2014 Winslow, Navajo, Arizona, United Statesdeath18


Father: Yellowhair Bekis

Mother: Yellowhair Bekis

Lola Chee Yellowhair - 1935 to 1954

Birth: 25 Aug 1935 Arizonabirth19

Death: 30 Jan 1954 Apache, Arizona, USAdeath19


Father: Bob Yellowhair

Mother: Ason Tsosie

Earl Yellowhair - 1949 to 1949

Birth: 9 May 1949 Arizona birth20

Death: 1949 Apache, Arizona, USAdeath20


Father: Earl Yellowhair

Mother: Nellie Beginnie Yellowhair

Marie Yellowhair - 1950 to 1951

Birth: 1950 Arizonabirth21

Death: 20 Sep 1951 Tuba City, Coconino, Arizona, USAdeath21


Father: Con Yellowhair

Mother: Mariana Begay Yellow Yellowhair

Helena Yellowhair - 1908 to 1995

Birth: 15 July 1908 Teec Nos Pos, Apache, Arizona, United Statesbirth22

Death: 26 April 1995 Cortez, Montezuma, Colorado, United Statesdeath22


Father: Arthur Yellowhair

Mother: Unknown

Louise Yellowhair - 1918 to 2008

Birth: 10 Mar 1918 Teec Nos Pos, Apache, Arizona, USAbirth23

Death: 03/ /2008 Shiprock, New Mexico, USAdeath23


Father: Arthur Yellowhair

Mother: Not Available

Bedonie Yellowhair - 1885 to 1975

Birth: 20 Mar 1885 Arizona, USAbirth24

Death: Jul 1975 Tuba City, Coconino, Arizona, USAdeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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