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Results for "Yellis"

1 - 25 of 223 Records

Emma Yellis - 1850 to 1931

Birth: 14 Dec 1850 Pennsylvania, USAbirth0

Death: 1 Oct 1931 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath0


Father: Carl "Charles" YELLIS

Mother: Mary Anna Brey

Jack Yellis - 1915 to 2001

Birth: 6 JUN 1915 Brooklyn NYbirth1

Death: 12 AUG 2001 Greenville County, South Carolina, USAdeath1


Father: Harry (Herschel) Yellis aka Skilowitz

Mother: Goldie Nachatovitz

Ronald Yellis - 1926 to 1996

Birth: abt 1926 Somerville, Somerset, New Jersey, USAbirth2

Death: 20 Nov 1996 Woodbury, Gloucester, New Jersey, USAdeath2


Father: Louis Yellis

Mother: Mary Edna Young

William H. Yellis - 1855 to 1930

Birth: 20 Feb 1855 of Gratersford, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth3

Death: aft 1930 San Francisco, California, USAdeath3


Father: Henry Datesman Yellis

Mother: Mary Markley HUNSICKER

Elizabeth Yellis - 1827 to 1864

Birth: 3 April 1827 Pennsylvaniabirth4

Death: 14 December 1864 Pennsylvania, USAdeath4


Father: Nicholas Yelles

Mother: Catharine Moyer

Elizabeth Yellis - 1827 to 1864

Birth: 3 April 1827 Pennsylvaniabirth5

Death: 14 December 1864 Pennsylvania, USAdeath5


Father: Nicholas Yelles

Mother: Catharine Moyer

Luella A Yellis - 1911 to 1998

Birth: 2 Mar 1911 New Yorkbirth6

Death: 16 Sep 1998 Penn Yan, Yates, New York, USAdeath6


Father: William Richard Yells

Mother: Mildred A

Fronica "Franey" Yellis - 1765 to 1853

Birth: 12 May 1765 Towamencin, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth7

Death: 27 Feb 1853 Towamencin Township, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USAdeath7


Father: Nicholas Yellis

Mother: Veronica "Fronica" Cassel*

Frank Jacob Yellis - 1890 to 1945

Birth: 1 Jun 1890 Chapman Quarry, Pennsylvaniabirth8

Death: 1945


Father: Henry John Yellis

Mother: Victoria Louisa Siegfried

Maria Margareth Yellis - 1770 to 1846

Birth: 1 Sep 1770 Pennsylvania, USAbirth9

Death: 7 Jun 1846 Pennsylvania, USAdeath9


Father: John Yelles

Mother: Catherine 'Schrauger' Dock (Johnson)

Elnora Yellis - 1858 to 1942

Birth: 17 Jul 1858 Lehigh, Pennsylvania, USAbirth10

Death: 1942


Father: Peter Yellis

Mother: Theresa Charity Miller

Emma Yellis - 1841 to 1929

Birth: 1841 Pennsylvaniabirth11

Death: 22 November 1929 East Greenville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath11


Father: William Desch

Mother: Angelina Julianna Keiser-Desch

Samuel A Yellis - 1899 to 1983

Birth: abt 1899 Russia Polandbirth12

Death: 6 Dec 1983 Branford, Connecticut, USAdeath12


Father: Morris Yellis

Mother: Anna Yellis

Nicholas Yellis - 1936 to 1995

Birth: 8 June 1936 Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USAbirth13

Death: 2 May 1995 Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USAdeath13


Father: Nicholas Michael Yellis

Mother: Susan Yellis

John H Yellis - 1909 to 1999

Birth: abt 1909 New Yorkbirth14

Death: 1999


Father: William Richard Yells

Mother: Mildred A

June B Yellis - 1921 to 1980

Birth: 17 Jun 1921 Santa Clara, California; United States of Americabirth15

Death: 28 Apr 1980 Alameda, Californiadeath15


Father: Victor J. Yellis

Mother: Irene Veronica Powell

June B Yellis - 1921 to 1980

Birth: 17 Jun 1921 Santa Clara, California; United States of Americabirth16

Death: 28 Apr 1980 Alameda, Californiadeath16


Father: Victor J. Yellis

Mother: Irene Veronica Powell

George Jerram Yellis - 1946 to 2016

Birth: 24 Sep 1946 Orange, Californiabirth17

Death: 22 Nov 2016


Father: Henry Yellis

Mother: Ruby Seegmiller

Leola J. Yellis - 1906 to 1987

Birth: Abt. 1906 Allentown, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, USAbirth18

Death: 15 Nov 1987 Santa Clara Co., CAdeath18


Father: Frederick Allen Yellis

Mother: Maurie M. George

Leola J. Yellis - 1906 to 1987

Birth: Abt. 1906 Allentown, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, USAbirth19

Death: 15 Nov 1987 Santa Clara Co., CAdeath19


Father: Frederick Allen Yellis

Mother: Maurie M. George

George Jerram Yellis - 1946 to 2016

Birth: 24 Sep 1946 Orange, Californiabirth20

Death: 22 Nov 2016


Father: Henry Yellis

Mother: Ruby Seegmiller

Mary Margaret Yellis - 1758 to 1832

Birth: 14 Mar 1758 Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth21

Death: 03 Jan 1832 Harleysville, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USAdeath21


Father: Nicholas Yellis

Mother: Veronica "Fronica" Cassel

Marian Avalon Yellis - 1908 to 1995

Birth: 1 Aug 1908 Perkiomen, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USAbirth22

Death: 30 Apr 1995 Upland, San Bernardino, California, United States of Americadeath22


Father: William Kohl Yellis

Mother: Mary Martha Hunsicker

John Yellis - 1716 to 1779

Birth: 1716 Germanybirth23

Death: 1779 Towamencin, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USAdeath23


Father: Yellis Yellis

Mother: Not Available

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