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Results for "udy"

Name: Ruby Udy

Birth: 20 Sep 1913 Utah

Death: 26 Jul 1985 Ogden, Weber, Utah, USA

Father: George Udy

Mother: Mercy Eveline Moon

Name: Hart Udy

Birth: 31 January 1835 Luxulyan, Cornwall, England

Death: 21 Dec 1905 Greytown, Wairarapa, New Zealand

Father: Hart Udy

Mother: Jane Clemence

Name: Abbie Lousie Udy

Birth: 17 October 1896 Plymouth, Box Elder, Utah, United States

Death: 04 Feb 1968 Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States of America

Father: Thomas James Udy

Mother: Rowane Moon

Name: Hart Udy

Birth: 9 May 1785 Lanlivery, Cornwall, England

Death: 13 Jul 1822 Lanlivery, Cornwall, England

Father: William Udy 5XGGF


Name: Harte Udy

Birth: 1831 Tavistock, Devon, England

Death: 7 December 1879 Garfield, Pawnee County, Kansas, USA

Father: Hart Udy

Mother: Jane Clemence

Name: Kate UDY

Birth: 1866 4th Qr Luxulyan, Cornwall, England

Death: Dec 1930 Bodmin, Cornwall, England

Father: Thomas Udy

Mother: Nancy Borlace Roberts

Name: Earl M. UDY

Birth: 21 November 1907 Farmington, Davis County, Utah, USA

Death: 21 Dec 1970 Bridge, Cassia, Idaho

Father: Matthias Cowley Udy

Mother: Mary Lessey

Name: William Udy

Birth: 19 Jan 1777 Luxulyan, Cornwall, England

Death: 5 Dec 1860 Corgay, Luxulyan, Cornwall, England

Father: John Eudy

Mother: Elizabeth Petherick

Name: Ruth Udy

Birth: 9 January 1906 Fielding, Box Elder, Utah, United States

Death: 7 July 1995 Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States

Father: Matthias Cowley Udy

Mother: Mary Lessey

Name: John P Udy

Birth: 10 Apr 1844 St Issey, Cornwall

Death: Oct 1925 St Columb, Cornwall

Father: Henry Udy

Mother: Mary Penneliggan

Name: Charlie Udy

Birth: Apr 1878 Iowa

Death: Nov 1972 Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, USA

Father: Thomas Silvers Udy

Mother: Jennie E Innes

Name: Nellie I Udy

Birth: 30 AUG 1888 Elba, Cassia County, Idaho

Death: 17 Feb 1975 Orange, Orange, California, USA

Father: Joseph Udy

Mother: Annetta (Nettie) Smith

Name: James Udy

Birth: 16 Aug 1820 Lanlivery, Cornwall, England

Death: 19 Jun 1905 Farmington, Davis, Utah, United States

Father: Hart Udy

Mother: Ann Brokenshire

Name: nina Udy

Birth: 03 Dec 1915 Riverside, Box Elder, Utah, USA

Death: 03 Apr 1995 Tremonton, Box Elder, Utah, USA

Father: Thomas J. Udy

Mother: Charlotte Tims Archibald

Name: Hyrum Glenn Udy

Birth: 21 January 1910 Fielding, Box Elder County, Utah, USA

Death: 27 February 1987 Fielding, Box Elder County, Utah, USA

Father: Hyrum Udy

Mother: Rheumina Earl

Name: John Udy

Birth: 14 Jan 1779 Quethiock, Cornwall, England

Death: 1 April 1822 Quethiock, Cornwall, England

Father: John Udy

Mother: Sarah Rogers

Name: Kate Udy

Birth: 6 Nov 1861 Luxulyan, Devon, England

Death: 9 Nov 1925 Peel, Wellington, Ontario, Canada

Father: John Hicks Udy

Mother: Eliza Sturtridge

Name: Catherine 'Kitty' Udy

Birth: abt 1807 Luxulyan Cornwall

Death: 1879 Cornwall

Father: Henry Varcoe Udy

Mother: Patience Grose

Name: Barbara Udy

Birth: 20 Mar 1791 Cabarrus, North Carolina

Death: 16 Mar 1864 Washington, Indiana, United States

Father: Daniel Burnhardt EUDY

Mother: Barbara WEILS

Name: Hyrum Udy

Birth: 1878/11/25 Farmington, Davis, UT

Death: 4 May 1935 Fielding, Box Elder, UT

Father: James Udy

Mother: Mary Sophia Hansen

Name: William Sturtridge UDY

Birth: 21 Oct 1856 St Issey, Cornwall, England

Death: 1 Aug 1945 Lulu Island, British Columbia

Father: John Hicks Udy

Mother: Eliza Sturtridge

Name: William Henry Udy

Birth: 8 Dec 1845 Woolwich, Kent, England

Death: July 1, 1923 Portland, Clackamas, Oregon, USA

Father: James Udy

Mother: Mary Ann Trengove

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