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Results for "turk"

Name: Frank Vincent Turk

Birth: 20 Jan 1921 Joliet, Will, Illinois

Death: 3 Oct 2007 Eaton, Delaware, Indiana, USA

Father: Frank Steven Turk

Mother: Julia Knaus

Name: Carl Turk

Birth: 8 Sep 1921 Butte, Montana

Death: 18 April 2010 Butte, Silver Bow County, Montana, United States of America

Father: John Turk

Mother: Mary Ann Furjanic

Name: Glenn Edward TURK

Birth: 08 Apr 1929 Silvana, Snohomish, Washington, USA

Death: 25 Apr 2003 Stanwood, Snohomish, Washington, USA

Father: Clifford E Turk

Mother: Minnie D Sander

Name: Blanche Turk

Birth: 1907 Lexington, Greene, New York, USA

Death: 1955 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: George Lyman Turk

Mother: Roselene Etta Dutcher

Name: Ruth G Turk

Birth: 1910 Indiana

Death: 01 Oct 1991 Rush Co .Indiana

Father: William Curtis Geise

Mother: Ethel Wilson

Name: Anna Turk

Birth: 26 Aug 1895 Missouri, USA

Death: 29 August 1970 Chicago , Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: Harry Turk

Mother: Sarah Turk

Name: Jane Anne Turk

Birth: Bet. 16 Feb 1874–1875 Missouri, USA

Death: 15 May 1955 Jasper, Missouri, USA

Father: John Crawford Turk

Mother: Mary Jane Stotts

Name: Barry W Turk

Birth: 4 Dec 1930 Piedmont, Calhoun, Alabama, USA

Death: 20 Oct 1993 Duluth, Gwinnett, Georgia, USA

Father: Thomas Barry Turk

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Weller

Name: John Turk

Birth: 13 Apr 1818 , Baldwin, Georgia, USA

Death: 21 Jul 1897 Loachapoka, Lee, Alabama, United States

Father: Theodocius Finley Turk

Mother: Mary Ann Buchanan

Name: Emma F. Turk

Birth: 1892 Marne, Cass, Iowa, USA

Death: 1987 Atlantic, Cass, Iowa, USA

Father: Henry Turk

Mother: Hannah/Johannah Felgenhauer

Name: Susan Rebecca TURK

Birth: Oct 1859 Conecuh County, Alabama, USA

Death: Abt. 1950 Beatrice, Monroe Co., Alabama

Father: Caloway Laban Turk

Mother: Sarah Tominas Stallworth

Name: Sina 'blumenfeld' Turk

Birth: 31 MAR 1897 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma

Death: MAR 1974 New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana

Father: Samuel (Nesanel) Turk

Mother: Pauline Goodman

Name: Robert Joseph Turk

Birth: Decmeber 3, 1938 Ohio, USA

Death: May 30, 1979 Warrensville Heights, Cuyahoga Co, Ohio, USA

Father: Robert Charles Turk

Mother: Marie Fisher Turk

Name: Alexander H. Turk

Birth: 26 Mar 1843 Franklin, Butler, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 16 Feb 1910 Soldier's Home, Wauwatosa, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Ephraim Turk

Mother: Maria Moore

Name: George Turk

Birth: abt 1868 Michigan

Death: 1924 Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan, USA

Father: William Wellington Turk

Mother: Laura F Platts

Name: Anthony Turk

Birth: 2 Mar 1937 Negley Red R, Texas

Death: 3 FEB 1997 Paris, Lamar, Texas, USA

Father: Robert Cockerell Turk

Mother: Willie Wilson Tull

Name: Willard Filmore Turk

Birth: 4 Jul 1912 Lawrence County, Missouri, USA

Death: Oct 1974 Mount Vernon, Lawrence, Missouri, USA

Father: James Grundy Turk

Mother: Lottie Louise Widick

Name: James F Turk

Birth: 14 August, 1898 Alden, Michigan

Death: 08 October, 1958 Traverse City, Michigan

Father: James Alexander Turk

Mother: Sarah Ann Compton

Name: Mary L Turk

Birth: 7 Oct 1900 Tyronza, Arkansas

Death: 3 Jan 1989 Bunkie, Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana, United States of America

Father: Patrick Turk

Mother: Louisa Eaker

Name: Claude Wesley Turk

Birth: 1926 Canastota, Madison, New York, USA

Death: 1984 Texas, USA

Father: Floyd Turk

Mother: Carrie Baird

Name: Homer Aldrige Turk

Birth: 26 Aug 1911 Falls Creek, Clearfield, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 11 November 1974 Du Bois, Clearfield, Pennsylvania

Father: Charles Albert Turk

Mother: Ellen Margaret Waite

Name: Eileen E. Turk

Birth: 25 Mar 1912 Wisconsin

Death: 13 Feb 2005 New Port Richey, Pasco, Florida, USA

Father: William Washington Brassington

Mother: Athol G. Cross

Name: Harold Leroy Turk

Birth: 21 Jan 1906 Scott, Crawford, Wisconsin

Death: 6 Nov 1989 Madison, Dane, Wisconsin

Father: Russell Turk

Mother: Myrtle Rose

Name: Helen Elizabeth Turk

Birth: 25 May 1909 Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USA

Death: 31 Jul 1982 Ogdensburg, St Lawrence, New York, USA

Father: George Weed Turk

Mother: Carrie E Beach

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