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Results for "soll"

Name: Richard F. Soll

Birth: 28 Oct 1907 Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA

Death: 05 OCT 1997 Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Herman Soll

Mother: Anna Diedrich

Name: Herman Soll

Birth: Apr 1880 Wisconsin, United States

Death: Aft. 1940 USA

Father: Henry Soll

Mother: Elizabeth Kromenaur

Name: Theodore Soll

Birth: 8 May 1864 Germany

Death: 19 October 1960 Muscatine, Muscatine, Iowa, USA



Name: Lillian M Soll

Birth: 23 June 1874 Kingston, Ulster County, New York, United States of America

Death: 10 May 1904 New York Mills, Oneida County, New York, United States of America

Father: Henry Otto Soll

Mother: Emilie Druckhammer

Name: Loraine Glenn Soll

Birth: abt 1906 Murray, Iowa

Death: Oct 1967 El Cajon, San Diego, California, USA

Father: Melville Irvin Soll

Mother: Mayme Loe Springsteen

Name: Melville I Soll

Birth: Feb Abt 1880 Missouri, USA

Death: 1950 Iowa, USA

Father: Joseph Soll

Mother: Eliza Ellenor

Name: Frederick J Soll

Birth: abt 1894 Michigan, USA

Death: Jan 1946 Ann Habor, Washtenaw, Michigan, USA

Father: Frederic Soll

Mother: Karoline Schurbohm

Name: Bernhardt Soll

Birth: Abt. 1899 Nebraska

Death: 3 August 1964 Washington, USA

Father: Christian P Soll

Mother: Margaretha Therese Mundt

Name: Agnes E SOLL

Birth: 11 AUG 1916 Westbrook, Cottonwood, Minnesota

Death: 29 OCT 2001 Waconia, Carver, Minnesota

Father: Rudolph Christian Soll

Mother: Christina M Soll

Name: Mary B Soll

Birth: 1 FEB 1893 Port Alberni, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Death: 12 Jul 1983 Seattle, King, Washington, USA

Father: Christian Soll

Mother: Hilda Fredrica Nystrom

Name: Frank J Soll

Birth: Jul 1877 Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

Death: Aft. 1905 USA

Father: Henry Soll

Mother: Elizabeth Kromenaur

Name: Frank A Soll

Birth: 9 Oct 1916 St Louis, Missouri

Death: 28 Sep 2001 Hallandale, Broward, Florida, USA

Father: George W Soldofsky

Mother: Mathilde (Mollie) Steinhauer

Name: Emma C Soll

Birth: abt 1912 Wisconsin

Death: 7 August 1999 Bothel, King County, Washington, USA

Father: Frederic Soll

Mother: Karoline Schurbohm

Name: Roland Soll

Birth: Feb 1900 Wisconsin

Death: 3 Jan 1980 Alhambra, Los Angeles, California, United States of America

Father: Gottfred F. Soll

Mother: Louisa A Kastorff

Name: Viola C Soll

Birth: Sep 1897 Wisconsin

Death: 16 Feb 1990 Broward, Florida, United States

Father: Gottfred F. Soll

Mother: Louisa A Kastorff

Name: Johanna Soll

Birth: 1821 Rohrdorf, Germany

Death: 8 Jul 1882 Boston, Massachusetts

Father: Casper Soll

Mother: Christina D.

Name: Lora Francisca Soll

Birth: 14 Apr 1894 Murray, Clark, Iowa, USA

Death: Aug 1972 Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA

Father: Joseph Soll

Mother: Eliza Ellenor

Name: Fred Soll

Birth: March 1865 Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Death: 1928 Corona del Mar, Orange County, California, USA

Father: Hinrich Soll

Mother: Christena Peterson Soll

Name: Bernard N Soll

Birth: abt 1892 New Jersey

Death: 13 March 1974 Miami, Miami-Dade, Florida, United States of America

Father: George Soll

Mother: Catherine L Snyder

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