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Results for "quirk"

Name: Phillip Quirk

Birth: 17 Jan 1755 Glen Maye, Patrick, Isle Of Man

Death: 19 May 1840 Patrick, Glenfaba, , Isle of Man

Father: John Quirk

Mother: Margery Radcliffe

Name: Julia Quirk

Birth: May1864 Ireland

Death: 26 May 1930 Fitchburg, Massachusetts, USA

Father: Michael Kennedy

Mother: Johanna Kennedy Quirk

Name: Mary Quirk

Birth: 6 Oct 1883 New York City (All Boroughs), New York, USA

Death: 26 Jan 1972 Elmsford, Westchester, New York, USA


Mother: Johanna Hall Quirk

Name: Catharine Quirk

Birth: 31 Dec 1912 Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA

Death: 6 Mar 1989 Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA

Father: Patrick Henry Quirk

Mother: Delia Manning

Name: John Dennis Quirk

Birth: 29 May 1896 Iowa

Death: 7 Nov 1979 Lackland, Bexar, Texas, USA

Father: John Quirk

Mother: Minnie Lee Seward

Name: john quirk

Birth: 1838 Ireland

Death: aft 1880 missouri or illinois?

Father: john Quirk

Mother: Catherine "Kitty" Cunningham

Name: John L Quirk

Birth: 1837 Killenaule, County Tipperary, Ireland

Death: 20 Apr 1915 Pittsfield, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA

Father: Hugh Quirk

Mother: Mary Quirk

Name: Mary Quirk

Birth: Jan 1871 Waterford, Ireland

Death: 1950 Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America

Father: John Quirk

Mother: Elizabeth (Eliza) Corcoran

Name: David Quirk

Birth: abt 1855 Ireland

Death: 1933 Washington, USA

Father: David Quirk

Mother: Johanna Keeffe

Name: James M. Quirk

Birth: 09 Nov 1845 Bride, Ayre, Isle of Man

Death: 17 Oct 1907 Perry, Lake, Ohio, USA

Father: Joseph QUIRK

Mother: Jane Quayle

Name: John T Quirk

Birth: March 5, 1912 Massachusetts

Death: February 2, 1985 Worcester

Father: Thomas A Quirk

Mother: Ellen "Nellie" Ferris

Name: Joanna QUIRK

Birth: 1852 NY

Death: May 28, 1915 Franklin, Franklin, New York, USA

Father: William Quirke

Mother: Ellen S Howard

Name: Timothy Quirk

Birth: 13 Mar 1830 ,,Cork,Ireland

Death: 26 May 1922 Vail, Crawford, Iowa, USA

Father: William Quirk

Mother: Johanna Kelly

Name: Anna M. Quirk

Birth: 26 May 1845 England

Death: 24 Feb 1914 Spokane, Spokane, WA

Father: Robert Quirk

Mother: Catherine Fargher

Name: Mary Quirk

Birth: Aug 1844 Sligo, Ireland

Death: 1913 Ionia, Ionia Cty, Michigan

Father: Frank Battle

Mother: Bridget Carmichle

Name: James F Quirk

Birth: 10 Jun 1887 Illinois

Death: 28 March 1960 Williamsport Warren County Indiana, USA

Father: William J Quirk

Mother: Jane Garvey

Name: Lottie Quirk

Birth: 1876 London, London, England

Death: 7 Dec 1940 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA

Father: Thomas Green

Mother: Charlotte Robertson

Name: James Quirk

Birth: 24 Dec 1876 Michigan

Death: 4 Jun 1952 Jefferson, Texas

Father: John Joshua Quirk

Mother: Luella Maryett Perry

Name: Elizabeth M Quirk

Birth: 6 Nov 1898 New York

Death: 6 Aug 1979 Oakland, Alameda, California, United States of America

Father: James George Quirk

Mother: Delia H Traynor

Name: Michael Quirk

Birth: 1838 Rushen, Isle of Man, Isle of Man

Death: 13 Apr 1884 Arbory, Rushen, Isle of Man

Father: William Quark

Mother: Isabel Collister

Name: Helen Frances Quirk

Birth: 1910 Victor, Teller, Colorado, USA

Death: 1995 Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA

Father: John Francis Quirk

Mother: Elizabeth F Meiers

Name: Joseph Edward Quirk

Birth: 27 Jul 1927 Oklahoma USA

Death: 13 June 2003 Bartlesville, Washington, Oklahoma USA

Father: Joseph D Quirk

Mother: Norine Ericka Hawes

Name: Dorothy Quirk

Birth: 03 Nov 1918 Illinois, USA

Death: 10 Feb 2012 Illinois, USA

Father: John Patrick Quirk

Mother: Rosie Veronica Cook (Koch)

Name: William E Quirk

Birth: 19 Feb 1908 New Haven County, Connecticut, United States of America

Death: 2 Nov 2001 Branford, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Father: William Edward Quirk

Mother: *Isabella B Clarke

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