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Results for "kovalik"

Name: John Mark Kovalik

Birth: 24 Aug 1909 Plavec, Slovakia asa Prague, Central Bohemia, Czechoslovakia

Death: 11 Sep 1986 Orlando, FL

Father: Jacob Kovalik

Mother: Agnes Anna Gavancki

Name: Hermina P. Kovalik

Birth: Apr 01, 1931 Clarksburg, WV

Death: Jun 08, 2005 Cleveland, Oh

Father: Wendel Kovalik

Mother: Irena M Rokisky

Name: Frank J Kovalik

Birth: 29 Jun 1891 Czechoslovakia

Death: 1982 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA

Father: Andreas Kovalik

Mother: Theresa Kovalek ?

Name: Karolina Kovalik

Birth: November 27, 1891 Czechoslovakia

Death: 7 Mar 1969 Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan, USA

Father: Kacper Józef Kowalak

Mother: Maria Pieronek

Name: Irene B. Kovalik

Birth: 25 Feb 1928 Trenton, Mercer, New Jersey, USA

Death: 21 Oct 2009 Yardville, Mercer, New Jersey, USA

Father: Michael Aloyious Shestko

Mother: Julia Sherbon (Shestko Talpas)

Name: Charles John Kovalik

Birth: 29 Nov 1930 New London, New London, Connecticut, USA

Death: 17 Feb 1997 Pinellas County, Florida, USA

Father: Leopold Kovalik

Mother: Margaret Cables

Name: Mary Ann Kovalik

Birth: abt 1908 Pennsylvania

Death: 5 Apr 1976 Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Florida, USA

Father: Andrew Kovalick

Mother: Anna Cina

Name: Mary Kovalik

Birth: 8 Apr 1867 Czechoslovakia

Death: 25 February 1944 Streator La Salle Illinois

Father: Michael Kovalyk (Kovalik)

Mother: Maria Jaskó

Name: Frances Kovalik

Birth: 17 Apr 1906 New York, USA

Death: June 1979 Yonkers, Westchester, New York, USA


Mother: Anna Yarina Kovalik Kovalyjk


Birth: abt 1901 United States

Death: 6//1//1972 57 Walsh Road, Yonkers, New York


Mother: Anna Yarina Kovalik Kovalyjk

Name: Geraldine Kovalik

Birth: 8 Dec 1917 Fort Strong, Long Island, Boston Harbor Islands, MA

Death: 26 Jul 2014 Apopka, Orange, Florida, USA

Father: Karl Nelson Van Scoyoc

Mother: Hilda MacKay

Name: Andrew Kovalik

Birth: 29 November 1861 Hungary

Death: 21 November 1913 Cleveland Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA

Father: Antonius Kovalik

Mother: Veronica Kubányi

Name: Joseph Andrew Kovalik

Birth: 16 Sep 1893 Krásna Hôrka

Death: 19 Sep 1978 Bedford, Cuyahoga, Ohio

Father: Andreas Kovalik

Mother: Theresa Kovalek ?

Name: John Paul Kovalik

Birth: 12 Feb 1920 Springfield, Illinois

Death: 12 Mar 1995 Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, United States of America

Father: Gustav J Kovalik

Mother: Louise Marie Napora Kovalik

Name: Simon Kovalik

Birth: abt 1882 Slovakia

Death: 7 Sep 1967 Homestead, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Father: Jan Kovaltsik (Kovalcsik) (Kovalcik)

Mother: Martha (Marta) Strenk (Sztrenk) (Strenkova)

Name: Ann G Kovalik

Birth: 1924 Bolivar, PA.

Death: 4 Jan 2006 Largo

Father: George C Kovalik

Mother: Helen Sarsany

Name: Ann Carol Kovalik

Birth: 4 Jul 1916 Monessen, Pennsylvania

Death: 7 Apr 1997 Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada

Father: John Kovalik

Mother: Anna Hreno

Name: Eleanore May Kovalik

Birth: 4 May 1931 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 13 Feb 1999 Tallahassee, Leon, Florida, USA

Father: Frank Joseph Kovalik

Mother: Catherine Volk

Name: Bernard J. Kovalik

Birth: 04 Nov 1929 Swoyersville, PA, USA

Death: 18 Sep 2011 Manor Care, Kingston, PA

Father: George J Kovalski Kovalick

Mother: Mary H. Kovalik

Name: Edward S Kovalik

Birth: 26 Sep 1930 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States

Death: 28 Nov 2001 Bedford, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA

Father: Stephan E Kovalik

Mother: Mary L Labuda

Name: Mary Kovalik

Birth: abt 1916 New Jersey

Death: 22 Apr 1977 Passaic, Passiac, New Jersey, USA

Father: John Kovalyak

Mother: Anna Warhol

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