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Results for "etsitty"

Name: Netty Etsitty

Birth: 1892 Blue Canyon, Arizona, USA

Death: 13 December 1956 Tuba City, Coconino, Arizona, United States

Father: Charley Etcitty

Mother: Ga Mana

Name: Eva Etsitty

Birth: 1923 Moapa, Nevada

Death: 1990

Father: William Cowboy

Mother: Della Domingo Kay

Name: Stanley Etsitty

Birth: 1 January 1922 Chinle, Apache, Arizona, United States

Death: 3 July 2000 Chinle, Apache, Arizona, United States

Father: Mr. Etsitty

Mother: Asonchee Bechahe Etsitty

Name: Mae Etsitty

Birth: 7 Jul 1943 Arizona

Death: 22 Jan 1955 Tubacity, Coconino, Arizona, USA

Father: Richard Etsitty

Mother: Alice Etsitty

Name: Johnson Etsitty

Birth: 2 Jul 1888 Tuba City, Coconino, Arizona, USA

Death: 20, April 1974 Tuba City, Coconino, Arizona, USA

Father: Charley or Charles Etsitty or Etcitty or ITZ ZE TEE or Attcity

Mother: Eva or Elva Lee

Name: Earl Etsitty

Birth: 21 Sep 1907 Tohatchi, New Mexico, USA

Death: 27 Nov 1964 Fort Defiance, Apache, Arizona, USA

Father: Tom Etsitty

Mother: Mary Arnold Etsitty

Name: Harry Etsitty

Birth: 1914 Nov Res

Death: 4 Sep 1936 Fort Defiance, Apache, Arizona, USA

Father: Ward Etsitty

Mother: Eth Sonne Todichenny Etsitty

Name: Ernest Etsitty

Birth: 1929 Rehoboth, McKinley, New Mexico, USA

Death: 2011 Fort Defiance, Apache, Arizona, USA

Father: Tsosie H. Etsity

Mother: Rose Damon

Name: Harry Etsitty

Birth: 15 December 1905 Coyote Canyon, Mckinley, New Mexico

Death: 15 Mar 1999 G I M C

Father: Tom Etsitty

Mother: Betty Willie ETSITTY

Name: Irene Etsitty

Birth: abt 1937 New Mexico

Death: Not Available

Father: Grover Etsitty

Mother: Chee Aston

Name: Ruth Etsitty

Birth: 1871 Tuba City, Coconino, Arizona, United States

Death: 1960 Tuba City, Coconino, Arizona, United States

Father: Charley Etcitty

Mother: Ga Maun Bitsi'

Name: Rose Clara Etsitty

Birth: 8 September 1906 Fort Defiance, Apache, Arizona, USA

Death: 12 February 2002 Fort Defiance, Apache, Arizona, USA

Father: Hatahli Nez Begay

Mother: Anna Boyd

Name: Evelyn Yazzie Etsitty

Birth: 1907 Arizona, United States

Death: 1966 Tuba City, Coconino, Arizona, USA

Father: Etsitty Ehzih He

Mother: Alice Yazziebama Williams

Name: Bahe Etsitty

Birth: 15 August 1932 Chinle, Apache, Arizona, United States

Death: 20 January 2010 Gallup, McKinley, New Mexico, United States

Father: Hostine ETSITTY

Mother: Ason Chee BEECHABE

Name: Eleanor Budd Etsitty

Birth: 29 Dec 1938 Chinle Apach, Arizona

Death: 5 Jun 2005

Father: Bob Etsitty

Mother: Bah Tsoh

Name: Stanley Etsitty

Birth: 1 January 1922 Chinle, Apache, Arizona, United States

Death: 3 July 2000 Chinle, Apache, Arizona, United States

Father: Hostine ETSITTY

Mother: Ason Chee BEECHABE

Name: Clifford Etsitty

Birth: 5 May 1918 Mexican Springs, McKinley, New Mexico, USA

Death: 20 Apr 2003

Father: Jim Etsitty

Mother: Ah Yani Boh Etsitty

Name: Gerald Virgil Etsitty

Birth: 19 May 1968 Ganado, Apache, Arizona, USA

Death: 23 Nov 2000 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Father: Gerald Etsitty

Mother: Private

Name: Charlie Etsitty

Birth: 8 May 1953 Albuquerque, Bernalillo, New Mexico, USA

Death: 12 Dec 2006 Chinle, Apache, Arizona, USA

Father: Charles M. Etcitty

Mother: Private

Name: James Leslie Etsitty

Birth: 24 December 1919 Mexican Springs, McKinley, New Mexico, United States

Death: 6 Oct 1960 Fort Stanton, Lincoln, New Mexico, United States

Father: Private

Mother: Aheegeebah Etsitty

Name: Joseph Etsitty

Birth: April 3, 1948 Fort Defiance, Apache, Arizona, United States

Death: 14 April 2010 New Mexico, United States

Father: Private

Mother: Ruth Tony Etsitty

Name: Bob Etsitty

Birth: 1 Jul 1901 Arizona, United States

Death: 30 Mar 1954 Ganado, Apache, Arizona, United States

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Mr. Etsitty

Birth: abt 1884 Navajo Reservation, Arizona, USA

Death: bef 1984 Apache Co, Arizona, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: winona etsitty

Birth: abt 1886 Apache County, Arizona, USA

Death: Not Available Apache County, Arizona, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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