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Results for "boll"

Name: Rudolph August Boll

Birth: 11 Jun 1858 Wolcotsville, Niagra County, New York

Death: 10 Jun 1911 Ada, Norman County, Minnesota

Father: Frederick William Boll

Mother: Amelia Lindow

Name: Joseph Boll

Birth: 3 Jul 1885 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Death: 5 Jul 1962 Orange

Father: Joseph Boll

Mother: Antoinette Sery

Name: Christina Boll

Birth: abt 1857 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Death: 28 Jan 1945 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Frederick S Boll

Mother: Maria Loch

Name: Edwin Boll

Birth: 4 Sept 1903 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USA

Death: 8/16/1975 Olmsted, Minnesota

Father: Andrew D Boll

Mother: Anna Margaret Schuler

Name: Christ Boll

Birth: 2 November 1865 Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Death: 17 Jun 1933 Lyon County, Iowa

Father: Freidrich BOLL

Mother: Anna Dorothea PETERSEN

Name: Sabina Boll

Birth: 1836 Bremen, Germany

Death: 19/Nov/1915 Jersey City, Hudson, NJ

Father: John H Bolle

Mother: Ruth

Name: Richard Boll

Birth: 03 Apr 1834 Nöggenschwiel, Waldshut, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Death: 27 Apr 1911 Buffalo, Erie, New York, USA

Father: Josef Boll

Mother: ROSINA Bernauer

Name: August Boll

Birth: 1877 Illinois

Death: 1925 Quincy, Adams, Illinois, United States

Father: Max Frederick Boll

Mother: Anne Feld

Name: Mathias B Boll

Birth: 24 Feb 1853 Lititz, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 28 May 1925 Waukee, Dallas, Iowa, United States

Father: Mathias Boll

Mother: Anna Maria Rie

Name: Philip Alfred BOLL

Birth: 31 Aug 1910 Iowa

Death: Jan 1984 Pueblo, Pueblo, Colorado, USA

Father: Ralph Deihl Boll

Mother: Edna Elma Tomlinson

Name: Elizabeth Boll

Birth: abt 1861 Pennsylvania

Death: 18 May 1935 Mountville, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States

Father: Jacob W. Boll

Mother: Mary Ann Brasch

Name: Simon Boll

Birth: 1661 Partenheim, Alzey-Worms, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

Death: 17 Feb 1734 Germany

Father: Simeon Böll/Boll

Mother: Dorothea Hoffmann

Name: Mathias (Mathew) Boll

Birth: 23 Feb 1829 Lauf, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

Death: 10 Oct 1904 St Louis, MO

Father: Franz Xaver Boll

Mother: Johanna Zimmer

Name: Charles Boll

Birth: 2 Aug 1841 Germany

Death: Apr 4 1914 Quincy, Adams, Illinois, USA

Father: Markus "Max" Boll

Mother: Rosa Walburga Hopp

Name: Harry Boll

Birth: 8 Nov 1915 Devillo, Richland, ND

Death: 14 Feb 1976 Los Angeles

Father: Charles Henry Boll

Mother: Elizabeth Martha BERG

Name: Myrrell Deihl BOLL

Birth: 9 Jun 1916 Dawson Township, Greene County, Iowa

Death: 22 Nov 1998 Chico, Butte, California, USA

Father: Ralph Deihl Boll

Mother: Edna Elma Tomlinson

Name: Dorothy Leona Boll

Birth: 20 Oct 1905 Wisconsin

Death: 13 Apr 1983 Platteville, Grant, Wisconsin, USA

Father: August Christian Boll

Mother: Louise Henriette Lorenz

Name: Jacob William Boll

Birth: Sept 24 1836 Germany

Death: Feb 12 1881 York County, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Jacob Boll

Mother: Gertrude Werkman

Name: August C Boll

Birth: abt 1859 New York

Death: 16 Apr 1925 Perry, Illinois, USA

Father: Andrew W. Boll

Mother: Wilhelmina Sophia Horn

Name: Franz Boll

Birth: 11 MAR 1878 Frazee, Becker County, Minnesota

Death: 07 MAY 1950 Princeton, Mille Lacs County, Minnesota

Father: Frederick William Boll

Mother: Amelia Lindow

Name: Dora Boll

Birth: 24 May 1856 Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Death: 31 December 1944 Fremont, Nebraska, USA

Father: Eduard Böll

Mother: Anna Stradtmann

Name: Wilhelmina Minnie Boll

Birth: 30 Aug 1844 Germany

Death: July 7, 1920 Bloomfield, Wisconsin, USA

Father: David Boll

Mother: Dorothea Hackbarth

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