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Name: William Blackwolf
Birth: 16 Jul 1916 Watonga, Blaine, Oklahoma, USA
Death: 15 Oct 2008 Clinton, Custer, Oklahoma, USA
Father: Rollin Blackwolf
Mother: Annie B Maske
Name: Elsie Marie Blackwolf
Birth: 15 Jan 1935 Watonga, Blaine, Oklahoma, USA
Death: 16 Jan 2009 El Reno, Canadian, Oklahoma, USA
Father: Rollin Blackwolf
Mother: Annie B Maske
Name: John Joseph Blackwolf
Birth: 26 Oct 1909 El Reno, Canadian, Oklahoma, USA
Death: 1964
Father: Rollin Blackwolf
Mother: Rollin Blackwolf
Name: Bennie Blackwolf
Birth: 1897 Muddy Creek
Death: Abt 1984 Broadus
Father: John Blackwolf
Mother: Nellie Blackwolf
Name: Lavina Blackwolf
Birth: 16 Nov 1940 Lame Deer, ROSEBUD, Montana, USA
Death: April 13 2016 Lame Deer, Montana
Father: Henry Blackwolf
Mother: Pauline Flying
Name: Walter Blackwolf
Birth: 7 Apr 1949 Crow Agency, Big Horn, Montana, USA
Death: 14 Jan 2017 Rosebud, Montana, USA
Father: James Blackwolf
Mother: Sarah Roundstone Blackwolf
Name: Daniel Asa Blackwolf
Birth: 25 Aug 1932 South Dakota
Death: 9 Jun 2011 White River, Mellette, South Dakota
Father: Laurence Blackwolf
Mother: Alice Eunice Knife
Name: Sherry Kay Blackwolf
Birth: 23 Feb 1951
Death: 9 Aug 2008 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma
Father: Robert Blackwolf
Mother: Lillian Ileen Jeffers
Name: Clara Mae "Yellow Eyes" Blackwolf
Birth: 2 June 1923 Watonga, Blaine County, Oklahoma, United States of America
Death: 23 Apr 2012 Oklahoma,United States
Father: Rollin Blackwolf
Mother: Annie B Maske
Name: Lana Faye Blackwolf
Birth: 2 Sep 1948 Ft Belknap B, Montana
Death: 21 Dec 2005 Carnegie, Caddo, Oklahoma
Father: Dorrance Black Wolf
Mother: Rose Cochran
Name: Daniel Blackwolf
Birth: 28 Aug 1932 Lame Deer, Montana
Death: 13 Oct 1932 Rosebud, Montana, USA
Father: Bennie Blackwolf
Mother: Ella Julia Blackwolf
Name: Robert Edward Blackwolf
Birth: 19 Jun 1925 Watonga, Blaine County, Oklahoma, United States of America
Death: 24 December 1991 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, United States of America
Father: Rollin Blackwolf
Mother: Annie B Maske
Name: Louisa Amelia Blackwolf
Birth: 5 Feb 1914 Oklahoma, United States of America
Death: 23 December 1990 Tahlequah, Cherokee County, Oklahoma, United States of America
Father: Rollin Blackwolf
Mother: Annie B Maske
Name: Anola Black Wolf
Birth: 10 Feb 1919 Oklahoma
Death: 1980 Clinton, Custer, Oklahoma, USA
Father: Black Wolf
Mother: May Black Wolf
Name: Daniel Scott Blackwolf
Birth: 10 Jan 1929 Watonga, Oklahoma, USA
Death: 24 Aug 1961 United States of America
Father: Rollin Blackwolf
Mother: Annie B Maske
Name: Ada Blackwolf
Birth: 26 Oct 1907 Oklahoma
Death: Feb 1973 Elk City, Beckham, Oklahoma, United States of America
Father: Rollin Blackwolf
Mother: Annie B Maske
Name: Martha Jo Blackwolf
Birth: 12 Jul 1934 Thomas, Custer, Oklahoma, USA
Death: 6 Mar 2007
Father: Floyd Blackwolf
Mother: Esther Howling Water
Name: Mary Blackwolf
Birth: 19 Jul 1918 Watonga Blai, Oklahoma
Death: 14 Jan 1998
Father: Rollin Blackwolf
Mother: Annie B Maske
Name: Campbell Black Wolf
Birth: Oct 1848 Mont
Death: Not Available
Father: Black Wolf
Mother: Big Belly Woman
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