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Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: 1860
Death: 25 Mai 1861 Óvarsánd, Arad, Erdély, Románia
Father: Sándor
Mother: Éva Kas
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: 1888
Death: 1898
Father: F. Gergely Nagy
Mother: Zsuzsanna Györfi
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Mihály Nagy
Mother: Zsuzsana Vari
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Janos Nagy
Mother: Orzsebet Toth
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Sámuel Nagy
Mother: Zsofia Biró
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: József Nagy
Mother: Katalin Száts
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Sándor Nagy
Mother: Erzsébet Boldizsár
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Samu Nagy
Mother: Biri Porkoláb
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Istvan Nagy
Mother: Kata Miklos
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Sándor Nagy
Mother: Sára
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Ferencz Nagy
Mother: Örse Kovács
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Tamás Nagy
Mother: Zsuzsa Belerári
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: István Nagy
Mother: Erzsébet Felvinczi
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: János Nagy
Mother: Ersébeth Dénes
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: János Nagy
Mother: Zsuzsa Porkoláb
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: 1909 Hungary
Death: Not Available
Father: Miklós Magy
Mother: Private
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: 1888 Hungary
Death: Not Available
Father: Jozsef Oztald
Mother: Private
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: May 1894 Hungary
Death: 24 Dec 1936 Humbolt, Saskatchewan, Canada
Father: Private
Mother: Private
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: 1838
Death: 1912
Father: Private
Mother: Private
Name: Zsuzsa Nagy
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Private
Mother: Private
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