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Results for "Zora Isham"

1 - 25 of 55 Records
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Cora L Esham - 1880 to 1925

Birth: 17 Dec 1880 Mudlick, Lewis, Kentucky, United Statesbirth0

Death: 1925 Lewis County, Kentucky, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Robert Clay Esham

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Spence

Dora Isham - 1855 to 1925

Birth: abt 1855 Wisconsinbirth1

Death: November 19, 1925 Elkhorn, Walworth, Wisconsin, USAdeath1


Father: Joseph Trumbull Isham

Mother: Mary Jane Sturtevant

Cora L Esham - 1880 to 1925

Birth: 17 Dec 1880 Mudlick, Lewis, Kentucky, United Statesbirth2

Death: 1925 Lewis County, Kentucky, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Robert Clay Esham

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Spence

Dora Isham - 1855 to 1925

Birth: abt 1855 Wisconsinbirth3

Death: November 19, 1925 Elkhorn, Walworth, Wisconsin, USAdeath3


Father: Joseph Trumbull Isham

Mother: Mary Jane Sturtevant

Cora L Esham - 1880 to 1925

Birth: 17 Dec 1880 Mudlick, Lewis, Kentucky, United Statesbirth4

Death: 1925 Lewis County, Kentucky, United States of Americadeath4


Father: Robert Clay Esham

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Spence

Cora Bell Isham - 1871 to 1970

Birth: 10 May 1871 Michiganbirth5

Death: 22 Oct 1970 Hemet, Riverside, California, USAdeath5


Father: Ebenezer Monroe Isham

Mother: Angiline Anderson

Cora Bell Isham - 1871 to 1970

Birth: 10 May 1871 Michiganbirth6

Death: 22 Oct 1970 Hemet, Riverside, California, USAdeath6


Father: Ebenezer Monroe Isham

Mother: Angiline Anderson

Cora Bell Isham - 1871 to 1970

Birth: 10 May 1871 Michiganbirth7

Death: 22 Oct 1970 Hemet, Riverside, California, USAdeath7


Father: Ebenezer Monroe Isham

Mother: Angiline Anderson

Lora Gay Wisham - 1932 to 1980

Birth: 16 July 1932 Georgiabirth8

Death: 15 Dec 1980 Millington, Shelby Cty, Tndeath8


Father: Simmie Steven Wisham

Mother: Agnes Louise Pate

Lora Gay Wisham - 1932 to 1980

Birth: 16 July 1932 Georgiabirth9

Death: 15 Dec 1980 Millington, Shelby Cty, Tndeath9


Father: Simmie Steven Wisham

Mother: Agnes Louise Pate

Cora L Isham - 1893 to 1908

Birth: 8 Jul 1893 Roane County, Tennesseebirth10

Death: 21 Dec 1908 Tennessee, United Statesdeath10


Father: George Washington Isham

Mother: Catherine McCarroll

Nora G. (Hunter) Isham - 1888 to 1930

Birth: 6 July 1888 Georgiabirth11

Death: 17 May 1930 Brindley, Cherokee, Alabama, USAdeath11


Father: John T Hunter

Mother: Nancy E. Brown ?

Cora Isham - 1869 to 1950

Birth: May 16, 1869 Jefferson, Vernon, Wisconsinbirth12

Death: 1950 La Crosse, La Crosse, Wisconsin, USAdeath12


Father: Horace Martin Isham

Mother: Angeline E. Love

Dora Irene Isam - 1923 to 1997

Birth: 18 Sep 1923

Death: 29 Jan 1997 Miami, Ottawa Florida, USAdeath13


Father: Samuel Vance Isam

Mother: Lena Mildred Winn Isam

Cora B Isham - 1897 to 1988

Birth: 13 Nov 1897 McKey, Cherokee Indian Nation, Oklahoma Territorybirth14

Death: 20 JUN 1988 Checotah, McIntosh, Oklahoma, USAdeath14


Father: William Thomas Isham

Mother: Maggie "Sid" Colwell

Dora Rosetta Isham - 1889 to 1965

Birth: 1889 Holborn, London, United Kingdombirth15

Death: Sep 1965 Elstree, Hertfordshire, Englanddeath15


Father: Richard Arney Isham

Mother: Rosetta Ward

Nora C Isham - 1861 to 1912

Birth: February 1861 Ohiobirth16

Death: 24 July 1912 Garfield Heights, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USAdeath16


Father: Patrick Neville

Mother: Mary Conor

Cora Mae Esham - 1905 to 1964

Birth: 14 Sep 1905 Lewis County, Kentucky, USAbirth17

Death: 13 Oct 1964 Morehead, Rowan County, Kentucky, USAdeath17


Father: Clay Cole Esham

Mother: Ollie Elizabeth Pitts

Dora J Isham - 1883 to 1947

Birth: 6 Nov 1883 Texas, USAbirth18

Death: 14 Aug 1947 Atoga, Oklahoma, USAdeath18


Father: James Freal Isham

Mother: Mary Jane Tilley

Cora V Isham - 1879 to 1951

Birth: Dec 1879 Arkansasbirth19

Death: 3 Oct 1951 Gaines, Texasdeath19


Father: D Sanders Isham

Mother: Sarah Catherine Harrell

Lora Opal Isham - 1894 to 1961

Birth: 11 Oct 1894 Chanute, Neosho, Kansas, USAbirth20

Death: 1961 Kansas, USAdeath20


Father: Leslie Henry Isham

Mother: Effie G. Isham

Dora E Isham - 1865 to 1902

Birth: Nov 1865 Williston, Chittenden, Vermont, USAbirth21

Death: 09jun1902 Rockingham, Vermont, USAdeath21


Father: Jarius David ISHAM

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Comstock

Cora Belle ISHAM - 1870 to 1970

Birth: 08 Jul 1870 Russell, Geauga, Ohio, USAbirth22

Death: OCT 1970


Father: Matthew Harry Isham

Mother: Chloe Eliza McFarland

Lora Kathleen Esham - 1909 to 1990

Birth: 28 Jun 1909 Lewis County, Kentucky, USAbirth23

Death: 13 Nov 1990 Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio, USAdeath23


Father: Fredrick Esham

Mother: Julia Elizabeth Clark

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