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Results for "Yvonne Gamache"

1 - 25 of 53 Records


Birth: 19 Sep 1892 Quebec, Canadabirth0

Death: 18 Jan 1980 Lawrence, Essex, Massachusetts, USAdeath0


Father: Joseph Gamache

Mother: Hermine (Armine) Trepanier

Yvonne V. Gamache - 1896 to 1984

Birth: 17 Dec 1896 Massachusetts, USAbirth1

Death: 12 Jul 1984 Lawrence, Essex, Massachusetts, USAdeath1


Father: David Esdras Gamache

Mother: Odila Paris

Yvonne V. Gamache - 1896 to 1984

Birth: 17 Dec 1896 Massachusetts, USAbirth2

Death: 12 Jul 1984 Lawrence, Essex, Massachusetts, USAdeath2


Father: David Esdras Gamache

Mother: Odila Paris

Yvonne F Gamache - 1905 to 1927

Birth: October 1905 Canada Frenchbirth3

Death: Jun 20.1927 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticutdeath3


Father: Felix Gamache

Mother: Marie Anna Dube

Yvonne Gamache - 1905 to 1982

Birth: 1905 Quebec, PQ, Canadabirth4

Death: 1982


Father: Marcel Gamache

Mother: Marie Lord

Yvonne Gamache - 1935 to 2005

Birth: 16 Aug 1935 Bonnyville, Cold Lake Census Division, Alberta, Canadabirth5

Death: 19 Aug 2005


Father: William Chalut

Mother: Mathilde Landry

YVONNE Gamache - 1899 to 1936

Birth: 20 avril 1899 Beauport, Quebec (Urban Agglomeration), Quebec, Canadabirth6

Death: 21 mars 1936 Québec, Quebec, Canadadeath6


Father: Joseph Gabriel Gamache

Mother: Marie Delvina Maheu

Yvonne Gamache - 1903 to 1980

Birth: Juil 1903 Quebec, Canadabirth7

Death: sept 1980 Drummondville Qcdeath7


Father: Didace Gamache

Mother: Antainette Labier

Yvonne Anne Gamache - 1901 to 1902

Birth: 11 Août 1901 Brunswick, Cumberland, Maine, Etats-Unisbirth8

Death: 01 Septembre 1902 Brunswick, Cumberland, Maine, Etats-Unisdeath8


Father: Edmond Gamache

Mother: Ozithée Lévasseur

Yvonne Gamache - 1920 to 1983

Birth: 4 mai 1920 St-Isidore, Dorchester, Québec, Canadabirth9

Death: 22 Septembre 1983 North Adams, Berkshire, Massachusetts, États-Unisdeath9


Father: Joseph Gamache

Mother: Laura Gamache

Yvonne Gamache - 1901 to 1989

Birth: 1901 Québec, Quebec, Canadabirth10

Death: 28 Feb 1989 Montréal, Quebec, Canadadeath10


Father: Désiré Gamache

Mother: Elise Fournier

Yvonne Gamache - 1895 to 1957

Birth: 18 May 1895 St-Isadore, Dorchester, PQ CANADAbirth11

Death: 29 MAY 1957 Québec, Québec, Canadadeath11


Father: Cyrille Gamache

Mother: Marie Marcelline Chamberland

Yvonne Gamache - 1901

Birth: 1901 New Hampshire, USAbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Napoleon Gamache

Mother: Philomene Collette

Yvonne Gamache - 1916 to 1966

Birth: 1916

Death: 1966 Niagara Falls, Ontariodeath13


Father: Amedee Gamache

Mother: Mary Cochrane Gamache

Yvonne Gamache - 1907

Birth: abt 1907 Mainebirth14

Death: Not Available New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts, USAdeath14


Father: Eugene Gamache

Mother: Amanda Mesnard

Yvonne Gamache - 1907

Birth: abt 1907 Mainebirth15

Death: Not Available New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts, USAdeath15


Father: Eugene Gamache

Mother: Amanda Mesnard

Yvonne Gamache - 1894

Birth: 02 septembre 1894 Montmagny, Quebec, Canadabirth16

Death: Not Available tats-Unisdeath16


Father: William Solyme Gamache

Mother: Emma Servais

Yvonne Gamache - 1940

Birth: abt 1940 Rhode Islandbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Armand Narcisse Gamache

Mother: Marie Flora Bonin

Yvonne Gamache - 1917

Birth: 1917 Quebecbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Napoleon Gamache

Mother: Leonie Gamache

Yvonne Gamache - 1909

Birth: 21 Oct 1909 Ste Francoise, Rivière du Loup, Québec, Canadabirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Jean Jacques Edmond Gamache

Mother: Eveline Jean

Yvonne Gamache - 1905 to 1927

Birth: Mar 12,1905 St-Damase-des-Aulnaies (St-Damase), Québecbirth20

Death: Jun 20.1927 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticutdeath20


Father: Felix Gamache

Mother: Anna Dube

Yvonne Gamache - 1894 to 1976

Birth: 2 Sept 1894 New Hampshirebirth21

Death: 22 July 1976


Father: Jean-Baptiste Augustin "John" Gamache

Mother: Seraphine Rousseau

Yvonne Gamache - 1924 to 2012

Birth: 20 Dec 1924 Los Angeles, Californiabirth22

Death: 3 November 2012


Father: Louis Philippe (Philip) Gamache

Mother: (Marie Léonie) Yvonne Bellefleur

Yvonne Gamache - 1900 to 1935

Birth: abt 1900 Quebecbirth23

Death: 1/21/1935


Father: Arthur Gamache

Mother: Marie Brousseau

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