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Results for "Yvonne Galloway"

1 - 15 of 15 Records

Yvonne Galloway - 1917 to 1995

Birth: 16 Jun 1917 Illinoisbirth0

Death: 11 Dec 1995 Los Angelesdeath0


Father: Grier D. Galloway

Mother: Ethel S Jacobs

Yvonne Galloway - 1917 to 1995

Birth: 16 Jun 1917 Illinoisbirth1

Death: 11 Dec 1995 Los Angelesdeath1


Father: Grier D. Galloway

Mother: Ethel S Jacobs

Yvonne Galloway - 1913 to 2004

Birth: 12 Jul 1913

Death: 31 October 2004 Covington, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, United States of Americadeath2


Father: John Galloway

Mother: Dezzie D Jenkins

Yvonne Grace Galloway - 1950 to 2000

Birth: 30 Aug 1950 Bogalusa, Washington, Louisiana, USAbirth3

Death: 24 Mar 2000 Pearl River, Saint Tammany, Louisiana, USAdeath3


Father: George Washington Galloway

Mother: Mary Louise Kahl

Yvonne Galloway - 1955

Birth: 1955

Death: Not Available


Father: James Starks

Mother: Letha Colbert

Yvonne Florence Galloway - 1939 to 1985

Birth: 29 Dec 1939 Edmonton, Albertabirth5

Death: Aft. 28 Nov 1985 Unknown


Father: Ivan Howard Galloway

Mother: Grace Mabel Donaldson

Yvonne Galloway - 1949

Birth: 12 Jan 1949

Death: Not Available


Father: Clarence Woodrow Galloway

Mother: Cora Elizabeth Smith

Yvonne Galloway - 1961

Birth: 1961

Death: Not Available


Father: Aquila Galloway

Mother: Isabella N Hairston

Yvonne Joy GALLOWAY - 1940 to 1940

Birth: 1940

Death: 15 AUG 1940 Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australiadeath8


Father: John Galloway

Mother: Ivy Elizabeth KENDALL

Yvonne Galloway

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles C Galloway

Mother: Not Available

Yvonne Galloway

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Glenn William Austin

Mother: Not Available

Yvonne GALLOWAY - 1971

Birth: 20 APR 1971 Western Australia, Australiabirth11



Father: Not Available

Mother: Margaret Ann CROSBY

Female IconMale Icon

Yvonne Galloway

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Yvonne Galloway

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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