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Results for "Yvonne Gallant"

1 - 25 of 71 Records

Yvonne Gallant - 1916 to 1969

Birth: abt 1916 New Yorkbirth0

Death: July 1969 Plattsburgh, Clinton, NYdeath0


Father: Napoleon A Gallant

Mother: Rosalie "Rose" Mayette

Yvonne Gallant - 1921 to 2015

Birth: 21 Jan 1921 St Ignace, Kent, New Brunswick, Canadabirth1

Death: 6 September 2015 Auburn, Androscoggin County, Maine, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Patrice P. RICHARD

Mother: Daniel Richard

Yvonne Gallant - 1909 to 1975

Birth: abt 1909 New Hampshirebirth2

Death: 6 Sept. 1975 Derry, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USAdeath2


Father: Elise Francoeur

Mother: Angeline Levesque

Yvonne Gallant - 1909 to 2005

Birth: 19 October 1909 Moncton, Westmorland County, New Brunswickbirth3

Death: 27 February 2005 Villa du Repos on Elmwood Drive, Moncton, Westmorland, New Brunswick, Canadadeath3


Father: Alfred Gallant

Mother: Suzanne Cormier

Yvonne Gallant - 1941 to 2012

Birth: 7 Jun 1941 Grand Digue, NBbirth4

Death: 07 Jan 2012 Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption, Moncton, N.-B.death4


Father: Joseph Gallant

Mother: Therese Belliveau

Yvonne Gallant - 1899 to 1963

Birth: 22 JUL 1899 Saint-Alexis-de-Matapedia,1871,Saint-Alexis-de-Matapedia,Bonaventure,,birth5

Death: 21 APR 1963 Saint-Francois d'Assise,1904,Saint-Francois-d'Assise,Bonaventure,,death5


Father: André E Gallant

Mother: Philomene Doiron

Yvonne Gallant - 1918

Birth: 04 APRIL 1918 St-Alexis de Matépédia, Qcbirth6

Death: dcd


Father: Joseph Gallant

Mother: Angéline GALLANT

Yvonne Gallant - 1925 to 2007

Birth: August 18 1925 Cape Lumiere, New Brunswick, Canadabirth7

Death: 2007


Father: Florion Richard

Mother: Celina Caissie

Yvonne Eva Gallant - 1902 to 1953

Birth: October 1902 Tiverton, Rhode Island, USAbirth8

Death: 15 February 1953 Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts, USAdeath8


Father: Alexandre Gallant

Mother: Melvina Gallant

Yvonne GALLANT - 1901 to 1990

Birth: 17 Jan 1901 Shediac, Westmorland, NBbirth9

Death: 16 JAN 1990 Ste Aurelie Beauce Québec Canadadeath9


Father: Andre Galant

Mother: Clare Poulint

Yvonne Gallant - 1941

Birth: 1941 Massachusettsbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Richard Gallant

Mother: Josephine Marie Chamberlain

Yvonne Marie Gallant - 1942 to 1998

Birth: 16 Dec 1942 Moncton, Westmorland County, New Brunswickbirth11

Death: 03 Sep 1998 Moncton, Westmorland County, New Brunswickdeath11


Father: Emile GALLANT

Mother: Irene I. Lemieux

Yvonne Marie Gallant - 1942 to 1998

Birth: 16 Dec 1942 Moncton, Westmorland County, New Brunswickbirth12

Death: 03 Sep 1998 Moncton, Westmorland County, New Brunswickdeath12


Father: Emile GALLANT

Mother: Irene I. Lemieux

Yvonne Gallant - 1899 to 1963

Birth: 22 JUL 1899 Saint-Alexis-de-Matapedia,1871,Saint-Alexis-de-Matapedia,Bonaventurebirth13

Death: 21 APR 1963 Saint-Francois d'Assise,1904,Saint-Francois-d'Assise,Bonaventure


Father: André E Gallant

Mother: Philomine Doiron

Yvonne Gallant

Birth: Not Available Rogersville, New Brunswick, Canadabirth14

Death: 1999


Father: Theodore Gallant

Mother: Claire Estelle Landry

Yvonne Jane Gallant - 1942 to 2014

Birth: 15 Mar 1942 Elgin, New Brunswick, Canadabirth15

Death: 21 Feb 2014 Saint John, New Brunswick, Canadadeath15


Father: Fidele Henri Doucette

Mother: Lorette (Laura) Doiron

Yvonne Patricia Gallant - 1924 to 2009

Birth: 3 Jul 1924 Glasgow Mbbirth16

Death: 2 Dec 2009 Helendale, San Bernardino, California, United States of Americadeath16


Father: Oliver Gallant

Mother: Marie Melina Gauvin

Yvonne Justine Gallant - 1912 to 1951

Birth: 04/14/1912 Edmundsville NBbirth17

Death: 8/19/1951 New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USAdeath17


Father: Joseph L Gallant

Mother: Marie-Celerine (Celesine) Arsenault

Yvonne Gallant - 1921 to 2007

Birth: 14 NOV 1921 l'ile du Prince Edouard, Canadabirth18

Death: Jul 2007 Prince Edward Island, Canadadeath18


Father: Arthur Gallant

Mother: Alvina Gallant

Yvonne Gallant - 1944

Birth: 15 MAR 1944

Death: unknown


Father: Paul Clement Gallant

Mother: Regina Domitile Gallant

Yvonne Gallant - 1945 to 2021

Birth: abt 1945

Death: 2021 York, York, Pennsylvania, USAdeath20


Father: Alfred Joseph Gallant

Mother: Germaine Gaumond

Yvonne Gallant - 1900

Birth: 1900 Thiersbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Paul Gallant

Mother: Jeanne Dumont

Yvonne Gallant - 1920 to 1994

Birth: 27 Apr 1920 mont-carmel, Prince Edward Island, Canadabirth22

Death: 6 Aug 1994 Mont-Carmel PEIdeath22


Father: Honore J Gallant

Mother: Rosella Gallant

Yvonne Gallant - 1920

Birth: 1920 Mainebirth23

Death: Not Available New Bedford, MAdeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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