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Name: Yvette Guilbert (Betty) James
Birth: 10 Jan 1896 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA
Death: 26 Feb 1989 Champaign, Champaign Co. Illinois
Father: William Walter James
Mother: Minnie Ethel Johnson
Name: Yvette vanwy James
Birth: 05/06/1917 UK
Death: 18/12/1996 UK
Father: Harry Frederick James
Mother: Ada Louise Edwards
Name: Yvette Shiree James
Birth: 09//3/0/60 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Death: 08//3/0/86 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Father: Yvette Shiree James
Mother: Geraldine James-Riley
Name: Yvette James
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Leroy A. James
Mother: Marie Lucinda Davis
Name: Yvette James
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Gerald James
Mother: Private
Name: Yvette James
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Lawrence Cole
Mother: Private
Name: Yvette James
Birth: 17 May 1955 New York City, New York City Counties, New York, USA
Death: 17 May 1955 New York City, New York City Counties, New York, USA
Father: William James
Mother: Private
Name: Yvette C JAMES
Birth: 5 Oct 1939 Castries, St Lucia
Death: 16 02 2016
Father: Private
Mother: Mary Donna James
Name: Yvette James
Birth: 25 Jul 1925 Birmingham, England
Death: 19 Apr 2003 Apple Valley
Father: Private
Mother: Private
Name: Yvette James
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Private
Mother: Private
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