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Results for "Yvette Gallant"

1 - 16 of 16 Records

Yvette Gallant - 1940 to 2008

Birth: 1940 Ste-Florence, La Matapédia, Quebec, Canadabirth0

Death: 17 Aug 2008 Repentigny, L'Assomption, Quebec, Canadadeath0


Father: Leonard Gallant

Mother: Marie Eva Doiron

Yvette Gallant - 1922 to 2004

Birth: 1922

Death: 2004 St-Alexis de Matapédia, Québec, Canadadeath1


Father: Jean Etienne Gallant

Mother: Rose Hilda Blaquire

Yvette GALLANT - 1947 to 1947

Birth: 20 Sep 1947 Manitoba, Canadabirth2

Death: 1947


Father: Alban Gallant

Mother: Madeleine Irene Jutras

Yvette Rita Gallant - 1926 to 2014

Birth: 24 December 1926 Mexico, Oxford, Maine, USAbirth3

Death: 31 May 2014 Gardner, Worcester, Massachusettsdeath3


Father: Joseph Amedee Hache Gallant

Mother: Marie Christine Lena Jolin

Yvette Gallant

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Gilbert Leandre Bauche

Mother: Georgette Dumaine


Birth: Not Available

Death: 1947


Father: Alban Jean GALLANT

Mother: Madeleine Irene Jutras

Yvette Gallant - 1927 to 1928

Birth: Abt. 1927

Death: 1928 Jamica Plain, NY


Father: Not Available

Mother: Béatrice Arsenault

Female IconMale Icon

Yvette Gallant

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Georgette Dumaine

Yvette Gallant - 1927 to 2014

Birth: 25 avril 1927 st-francois de patapedia

Death: 8/03/2014


Father: Paul Gallant

Mother: Not Available

Yvette Gallant - 1922 to 2004

Birth: 1922 St-Alexis-de-Matapédia Québec Canadabirth9

Death: 2004 St-Alexis de Matapédia, Québec, Canadadeath9


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Yvette Gallant - 1916 to 1966

Birth: 8 juin 1916 Aguanish, Quebec, Canadabirth10

Death: 19 février 1966 Aguanish, Quebec, Canadadeath10


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Yvette Gallant - 1922 to 2014

Birth: 1922

Death: 2014


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Yvette Gallant

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Yvette L Gallant

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Yvette Gallant

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Yvette Gallant

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available Prince Edward Island, Canadadeath15


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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