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Results for "yves jaffres"

Name: Yves Jaffres

Birth: 11 JUN 1793 Taulé, 29279, Finistère, Bretagne, France

Death: 21 December 1836 Taule, Finistère, Bretagne, France

Father: Jean Jaffres

Mother: Louise Krien

Name: Yves JAFFRES

Birth: Not Available Guilers,29820,Finistère,Bretagne,FRANCE,

Death: 3 AUG 1865 Lambezellec,,29,,,Lambezellec-Kerlossouarn

Father: Jean Marie JAFFRES

Mother: Isabelle MESSAGER

Name: Yves JAFFRES

Birth: 29 MAR 1737 Guissény, Léon

Death: 2 JUN 1737 Guissény, Léon

Father: Hervé Jaffrès

Mother: Françoise Person

Name: Yves Jaffres

Birth: 1650 Plabennec, 29160, Finistère, Bretagne, France

Death: 13 JUN 1713 Plabennec, 29160, Finistère, Bretagne, France, Kersén

Father: Gabriel Jaffres

Mother: Louise Lisiart

Name: Yves Jaffres

Birth: 26 JUL 1687 Plabennec, 29160, Finistère, Bretagne, France

Death: AFT 1722

Father: Yves Jaffres

Mother: Catherine le Jonqueur

Name: Yves JAFFRES

Birth: 24 JAN 1880 Lannilis (29

Death: 08 JUL 1945 Plouguerneau (29

Father: Charles Marie Genereux JAFFRES

Mother: Marie Francoise STEPHAN

Name: Yves JAFFRES

Birth: Not Available Lampaul Ploudalmezeau (29

Death: Not Available

Father: Olivier JAFFRES

Mother: Marie Jeanne TALARMAIN

Name: Yves JAFFRES

Birth: 1822

Death: 1881

Father: Pierre JAFFRES

Mother: Françoise NEDELEC

Name: Yves JAFFRES

Birth: 03 APR 1806 Plouguerneau,Finistere,BRETAGNE,FRANCE

Death: Not Available

Father: Jean JAFFRES

Mother: Marie Anne OGUEUR

Name: Yves JAFFRES

Birth: 1760

Death: Not Available

Father: Jean JAFFRES

Mother: Francoise CHARRETEUR

Name: Yves JAFFRES

Birth: 1792

Death: Not Available

Father: Yves JAFFRES

Mother: Marie-Claudine Le Hir

Name: Yves JAFFRES

Birth: 1868

Death: Not Available

Father: Yves JAFFRES

Mother: Yvonne PONT

Name: yves marie jaffres

Birth: 04 mai 1880

Death: 26 juin 1967 plouvorn 29 france

Father: ollivier jaffres

Mother: Private

Name: Yves JAFFRES

Birth: ABT 1668

Death: 22 DEC 1735 [Manoir Loscoat Barbier] - Lanarvily, 29100, Finistère, Bretagne, FRANCE

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Yves JAFFRES

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Yves Jaffres

Birth: around 1690

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Yves Marie JAFFRES

Birth: 1900

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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