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Results for "Yves Gallerne"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

Yves GALLERNE - 1600 to 1649

Birth: ABT 1600 Saint-Guen, 22530, Francebirth0

Death: 28 FEB 1649 Saint-Guen, 22530, Francedeath0


Father: Yves GALLERNE

Mother: Marguerite GUERGADIC

Yves Marie GALLERNE - 1896 to 1973

Birth: 04 MAR 1896 Mur-de-Bretagne, 22530, COTES-D'ARMOR, Bretagne, FRbirth1

Death: 2 NOV 1973 Saint-Gilles-du-Vieux-Marché, 22530, Francedeath1


Father: Yves Marie GALLERNE

Mother: Jeanne Marie FRABOULET

Yves Marie GALLERNE - 1861

Birth: 17 MAY 1861 Saint-Guen, 22530, COTES-D'ARMOR, Bretagne, FRbirth2

Death: Not Available , Saint-Martin-des-Prés, 22313, Côtes d'Armor, Bretagne, Francedeath2


Father: Jean-Mathurin Gallerne

Mother: Marie-Françoise Le Bigot

Yves Gallerne - 1654 to 1721

Birth: 11 JAN 1654 Saint Guen, Côtes d'Armor, Francebirth3

Death: 02 DEC 1721 Saint Connec, Côtes d'Armor, Francedeath3


Father: Jan Gallerne

Mother: Mathurine Le Meur

Yves GALLERNE - 1619 to 1695

Birth: 23 DEC 1619 St Guen, 22530, , Cotes d'Armor, Bretagne, Kergautonbirth4

Death: 06 OCT 1695 St Guen, 22530, , Cotes d'Armor, Bretagne, Kerguistindeath4


Father: Jan GALLERNE

Mother: Julienne le COUEDIC

Yves Joseph Gallerne - 1746

Birth: 21 Juin 1746 St Guen, 22birth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Elouan Gallerne

Mother: Olive Le Clezio

Yves Marie GALLERNE - 1896

Birth: 04 MAR 1896 Mûr-de-Bretagne, 22158, Côtes d'Armor, Bretagne, Francebirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Yves Marie GALLERNE

Mother: Jeanne FRABOULET

Yves Gallerne - 1680

Birth: 27 Juillet 1680 St Guen, 22

Death: Not Available


Father: Pierre Gallerne

Mother: Marie Gallerne

Yves Marie GALLERNE - 1861

Birth: 17 MAY 1861 Saint-Guen, 22298, Côtes d'Armor, Bretagne, France

Death: Not Available Saint-Martin-des-Prés, 22313, Côtes d'Armor, Bretagne, Francedeath8


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

yves gallerne

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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