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Results for "ygnacio gil"

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: 1808 Saltillo, Coahuila de Zaragoza, Mexico

Death: abt 1842

Father: Pedro Gil

Mother: Ines del Rio

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: 21 Feb 1924 Icatiro Mich, Mexico

Death: 19 Mar 2001

Father: Bernardo Gil

Mother: Maria Dolores Arroyo

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: 1929

Death: 26 Enero 1930 Capulhuac, México, México

Father: Tomás Gil

Mother: Herlinda Rojas

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: 1843

Death: Not Available

Father: Bartholome Gil

Mother: Engracia Rodriguez

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: 1852

Death: Not Available

Father: José MA Gil

Mother: Dolores Vallesteros

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Andres Xil

Mother: Thomasa Lopez

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Exequiel Gil

Mother: Luisa Avila

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: 1788

Death: 27 Jul 1813

Father: Joseph Usevio Gil

Mother: Maria Rita Herrera Ramon

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: 01 Feb 1821

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Andrea Garcia

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Ygnasio Gil

Mother: Private

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: 23 Ene 1903 Chavinda, Michoacán, México

Death: Not Available

Father: Rafael Gil

Mother: Private

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: 1861 Puerto Rico

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Perfecta Donovan

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: Not Available Tecolotlan

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private


Birth: 1776 Villaldama, Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Death: 05 Nov 1851 San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: abt 1816 Texas

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: Not Available Tecolotlán, Jalisco, México

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: 1808 Saltillo, Coahuila de Zaragoza, Mexico

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ygnacio Gil

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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