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Results for "ybeltje veenstra"

Name: Ybeltje Veenstra

Birth: 30 Mar 1872 Bergum, Friesland, Nederland

Death: Not Available

Father: Wybe Veenstra

Mother: Trijntje Rienks Boskma

Name: Ybeltje Jans Veenstra

Birth: 08 Nov 1867 Achtkarspelen, Friesland, Netherlands

Death: 30 APR 1952 Grootegast, Groningen, Netherlands

Father: Jan Hepkes Veenstra

Mother: Trijntje Andries Poelstra

Name: Ybeltje Veenstra

Birth: 1893

Death: 12 juli 1971 begraven te Surhuisterveen alg.

Father: Sjoerd Roelfs Veenstra

Mother: Anna Kamminga

Name: Ybeltje Hepkes Veenstra

Birth: 07 Jan 1836 Achtkarspelen, Friesland, Netherlands

Death: 13 Jan 1907 Augustinusga, Friesland, Netherlands

Father: Hepke Wiebes Veenstra

Mother: Antje Jans Tjoelker

Name: Ybeltje Veenstra

Birth: 02 Apr 1910 Illinois

Death: 29 Mar 1914 Illinois

Father: Lammat Veenstra

Mother: IJbeltje van der Hoek

Name: Ybeltje Veenstra

Birth: 1885

Death: 8 Juli 1900 Tietjerksteradeel

Father: Harmen Veenstra

Mother: Aafke Hendriks van der Veen

Name: Ybeltje Veenstra

Birth: 12 Apr 1906 Friesch, Stroobos, Achtkarspelen, Friesland, Netherlands

Death: Not Available

Father: Riemer Veenstra

Mother: Elizabeth Jarings Mellema

Name: Ybeltje Douwes Veenstra

Birth: 29 Jan 1884 Achtkarspelen Friesland Netherlands

Death: Not Available

Father: Douwe David Veenstra

Mother: Grietje Meinderts van der Weg

Name: Ybeltje Egberts Veenstra

Birth: 28 JUL 1806 Bergum, Tietjerksteradeel, Frslnd, Nthr

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ybeltje Egbert VEENSTRA

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ybeltje (Iep) Veenstra

Birth: 21 Apr 1934

Death: 18 Apr 2002 den Hoorn, Texel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ybeltje Piers Veenstra

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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