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Results for "Winnie Isley"

1 - 13 of 13 Records

Winnie Davis Isley - 1907 to 1994

Birth: 20 Jul 1907 Tennessee, USAbirth0

Death: 31 Jul 1994 College Place, Walla Walla, Washington, USAdeath0


Father: Francis Isley

Mother: Jessie May Wise

Winnie Davis Isley - 1907 to 1994

Birth: 20 Jul 1907 Tennessee, USAbirth1

Death: 31 Jul 1994 College Place, Walla Walla, Washington, USAdeath1


Father: Francis Isley

Mother: Jessie May Wise

Winnie Delilah Isley - 1874 to 1930

Birth: 17 Aug 1874 Indianabirth2

Death: 05 Jun 1930 Decatur, Morgan, Alabama, USAdeath2


Father: George W Isley

Mother: Eliza Malinda Lamb

Winnie Margret Isley - 1859 to 1910

Birth: 12 Sep 1859 Alamance, North Carolina, USAbirth3

Death: 20 Sep 1910 Alamance, North Carolinadeath3


Father: Martin V Isley

Mother: Mary Polly Coble

Winnie Isley - 1811 to 1900

Birth: 1811 Orange, North Carolina, United Statesbirth4

Death: 1900 Alamance, Alamance, North Carolina, United Statesdeath4


Father: Martin Isley

Mother: Catherine "Kate" Apple

Winnie M. Isley - 1866 to 1934

Birth: 20 Nov 1866 Indianabirth5

Death: 19 Dec 1934 Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USAdeath5


Father: Daniel Isley

Mother: Catherine D Goodman

Winnie Delilah Isley - 1874 to 1930

Birth: 17 Aug.,1874 Indiana USAbirth6

Death: 5 June 1930


Father: George W Isley

Mother: Eliza Malinda Lamb

Winnie R Isley - 1910 to 1923

Birth: 29 March 1910 Alamance County, North Carolina, USAbirth7

Death: 24 Sep 1923 Alamance County, North Carolina, USAdeath7


Father: William H. Isley

Mother: Ida Belle Robertson

Winnie Isley - 1811

Birth: 1811 North Carolina, USAbirth8

Death: Unknown Alamance, North Carolina, USAdeath8


Father: Martin Isley

Mother: Catherine "Kate" Apple

Winnie Isley

Birth: Not Available

Death: Bet. 1864–1959


Father: William Isley

Mother: Ida Robertson

Winnie Isley

Birth: Unknown

Death: Unknown


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Winnie Isley

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Winnie Isley

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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