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Results for "William White"

1 - 25 of 90,949 Records

William Everett White - 1871 to 1939

Birth: 18 Sep 1871 Ellsworth, Ellsworth, Kansas, USAbirth0

Death: 3 MAY 1939 Salt Lake City,Salt Lake,UTdeath0


Father: Daniel Wheeler White

Mother: Mary Ann Paris

William Wallace White - 1861 to 1938

Birth: 14 Jan 1861 Hodgdon, Aroostook Co., Maine, USAbirth1

Death: 26 Aug 1938 Tewksbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAdeath1


Father: Jacob White

Mother: Asenath White

William White - 1851 to 1923

Birth: Jan 1851 Warfield, Berkshire, Englandbirth2

Death: 7 APR 1923 High Wycombe, Bucksdeath2


Father: Thomas White

Mother: Mary Ann Justice

William Wesley WHITE - 1878 to 1955

Birth: 25 Jun 1878 Bay Minette, Baldwin County, ALABAMAbirth3

Death: 4 Dec 1955 Bay Minette, Baldwin, Alabamadeath3


Father: George A. White

Mother: Francis E Conway

William WHITE - 1785 to 1786

Birth: 16 January 1785 Farley, Wiltshire, Englandbirth4

Death: BEF 20 AUG 1786 Farley, Wiltshiredeath4


Father: Robert White

Mother: Catherine Sabbin

William Thomas White - 1852 to 1914

Birth: July 27, 1852 Georgiabirth5

Death: 14 December 1914 Yorkville, Paulding, Georgia, United Statesdeath5


Father: Benjamin White

Mother: Elizabeth Gilley

William Davis White - 1924 to 2009

Birth: 18 Jan 1924 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAbirth6

Death: 27 Jul 2009 Harleysville, Montgomery, Pennsylvaniadeath6


Father: Russell Morris White

Mother: Edna H Davis

William Reed White - 1823 to 1899

Birth: 20 Jan 1823 Colerain, Lancaster County, Pennsylvaniabirth7

Death: 26 May 1899 Milton, Ashland County, Ohiodeath7


Father: William B. White

Mother: Jane Reid

William Valentine White - 1871 to 1937

Birth: 1871 , Chowan, North Carolina, USAbirth8

Death: 9 Mar 1937 Church, Wetzel, West Virginia, United Statesdeath8


Father: William Norfleet White

Mother: Lucretia Charity Ward

William B White - 1871 to 1930

Birth: Jun 1871 California, USAbirth9

Death: Bef. 1930 Unk


Father: James J White

Mother: Mary Coughlin

William White - 1804 to 1893

Birth: 4 May 1804 South Carolina, United Statesbirth10

Death: 27 Feb 1893 Chattooga County, Georgia, USAdeath10


Father: William White

Mother: Julia PUCKETT

William L White - 1834 to 1920

Birth: 3 Nov 1834 Green Castle, Putnam, Indiana, USAbirth11

Death: 16 Sep 1920 Prattville, Alabamadeath11


Father: Edwin White

Mother: Eliza "Thursey" Thirza

William F. White - 1860 to 1942

Birth: abt 1860 Georgiabirth12

Death: 12 Oct 1942 Los Angelesdeath12


Father: William Rufus White

Mother: Mary Jane Shackleford

William Henry White - 1814 to 1894

Birth: 2 Oct 1814 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United Statesbirth13

Death: 21 Nov 1894 Webster, Kentucky, United Statesdeath13


Father: Larkin White

Mother: Louise Overby

William White - 1857 to 1951

Birth: 31 Jul 1857 Georgia, USAbirth14

Death: 25 February 1951 Baileyton, Cullman, Alabama, USAdeath14


Father: John White

Mother: Nancy Ann Owen

William Franklin White - 1838 to 1915

Birth: 6 Jun 1838 Guilford, North Carolina, United Statesbirth15

Death: 7 Jan 1915 Flat Rock, Shawnee, Kansas, United Statesdeath15


Father: James Floyd White

Mother: Sarah Ledbeter

William White - 1861 to 1940

Birth: 9 Aug 1861 Gibson, Tennessee, United Statesbirth16

Death: 16 Jun 1940 Chambers, Texas, United Statesdeath16


Father: James Mayberry White

Mother: Elizabeth McCartney

William Mitchell White - 1856 to 1935

Birth: 12 Nov 1856 Anderson County, Tennesseebirth17

Death: 5 Jul 1935 Grainger County, Tennesseedeath17


Father: James WHITE

Mother: Elizabeth J. Boruff

William F. White - 1866 to 1955

Birth: August 31, 1866 NY, NYbirth18

Death: 24 JAN 1955 NORTH BERGEN NJdeath18


Father: John White

Mother: Delia Curley

William White - 1881 to 1963

Birth: 22 Feb 1881 Whitley County, Kentuckybirth19

Death: 6 Dec 1963 Whitley County, Kentuckydeath19


Father: Ebenezer Thompson White

Mother: Margaret Walker

William White - 1830 to 1891

Birth: 1830 Torbolton, Nepean Twp, Carleton Cty, Ontario, Canadabirth20

Death: 14 September 1891 Carleton Co, Ontario, Canadadeath20


Father: Charles White

Mother: Gardiner

William L. White - 1870 to 1924

Birth: abt 1870 Missouribirth21

Death: 13 Oct 1924 Christian, Missouri, USAdeath21


Father: James Willis White

Mother: Mary Cunningham

William N White - 1891 to 1978

Birth: 17 May 1891 North Carolinabirth22

Death: 11 Feb 1978 Hertford, Perquimans, North Carolina, USAdeath22


Father: Joseph Wilson White

Mother: Mary White

William Virgil WHITE - 1895 to 1984

Birth: 5 August 1895 West Virginiabirth23

Death: 12 Oct 1984 Huttonsville, Randolph, West Virginia, USAdeath23


Father: Benjamin Franklin White

Mother: Permelia Elyard

William Willis White - 1927 to 2003

Birth: June 15, 1927 West Virginiabirth24

Death: 23 Jul 2003 Kearneysville, Jefferson, West Virginiadeath24


Father: Thomas F White

Mother: Edna Zombros

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