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Results for "William Wade"

1 - 25 of 12,255 Records

William Wade - 1880 to 1973

Birth: 18 Oct 1880 Grant County, Arkansas USAbirth0

Death: 15 Mar 1973 Sheridan, Grant, Arkansas USAdeath0


Father: James Alva Wade

Mother: Georgia Ann Pettus

WILLIAM ZANDER WADE - 1922 to 1993

Birth: 27 Mar 1922 Orange County, North Carolina, USAbirth1

Death: 21 Oct 1993 Durham, Durham, North Carolina, USAdeath1


Father: Vance Wade

Mother: Sara "Daisy' Vaughn

William Richmond Wade - 1901 to 1953

Birth: 1 Jun 1901 Louisianabirth2

Death: 12 Feb 1953 Biloxi, Harrison, Mississippideath2


Father: Richmond Barnett Wade

Mother: Minnie I. Stoup

WILLIAM Eugene WADE - 1878 to 1945

Birth: 11 Nov 1878 Moravia, Cayuga, New York, United Statesbirth3

Death: 20 Oct 1945 Moravia, Cayuga, New York, United Statesdeath3


Father: Rowland Day Wade

Mother: Sarah Jane Clark

William J Wade - 1864 to 1950

Birth: 16 Jan 1864 , , Alabama, USAbirth4

Death: 18 Sep 1950 Moulton, Lawrence, Alabamadeath4


Father: George Washington Wade

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Stahl

William Hampton Wade - 1857 to 1937

Birth: 21 Apr 1857 Christiansburg, Montgomery, Virginia, USAbirth5

Death: 12 Jun 1937 Bleufield, West Virginia, USAdeath5


Father: John Crow Wade

Mother: Jane Harriet Edie

William A. Wade - 1842 to 1877

Birth: 18 Mar 1842 Northampton, North Carolina, USAbirth6

Death: 14 January 1877 Arkansas, USAdeath6


Father: Henry A. Wade

Mother: Lucretia Mae Britton

William Wade - 1795 to 1871

Birth: 3 Jul 1795 Quebec, Canadabirth7

Death: 19 Jan 1871 Montgomery Center, Franklin County, Vermont, USAdeath7


Father: Joshua Carter Wade

Mother: Mary Ann Rowland

William Absalom Wade - 1855 to 1890

Birth: 8 February 1855 Union Parish, Louisiana, United States of Americabirth8

Death: 28 Apr 1890 Cherry Ridge Community, Union Parish, Louisiana, United Statesdeath8


Father: Pvt. Wade

Mother: Martha Ann Hopkins Wade

William Harrison Wade - 1861 to 1937

Birth: 3 Oct 1861 Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee, USAbirth9

Death: 7 Mar 1937 Dante, Knox, Tennesseedeath9


Father: Zion Walter Wade

Mother: Rebecca "Mollie" Keith

William Franklin Wade - 1868 to 1946

Birth: 20 Sep 1868 West Virginiabirth10

Death: 27 Jan 1946 Canton, Stark, Ohio, United Statesdeath10


Father: Thomas Wilson Wade

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Wade

William Garland Wade - 1921 to 2013

Birth: 25 February 1921 Spearsville, Union Parish, Louisiana, The United States of Americabirth11

Death: 21 March 2013 Ruston, Lincoln Parish, Louisiana, The United States of Americadeath11


Father: Willie Wade

Mother: Amma Bennett

William Oney Wade - 1844 to 1916

Birth: December 1844 Bedford County, Virginiabirth12

Death: 12 May 1916 Roanoke County, Virginia, USAdeath12


Father: John Andrew Wade

Mother: Elizabeth Olney (Wade)

William Henry Wade - 1841 to 1918

Birth: abt 1841 Indianabirth13

Death: 20 Feb 1918 , Daviess, Indianadeath13


Father: James Evan Wade


William Wade - 1870 to 1927

Birth: 27 February 1870 Texasbirth14

Death: 15 Aug 1927 Waller, TXdeath14


Father: John Henry Wade

Mother: Mary Epthpasey Urquhart

William Hampton Wade - 1857 to 1937

Birth: 21 Apr 1857 Christiansburg, Montgomery, Virginia, USAbirth15

Death: 12 Jun 1937 Bleufield, West Virginia, USAdeath15


Father: John Crow Wade

Mother: Jane Harriet Edie

William Connell Wade - 1893 to 1960

Birth: 24 FEB 1893 East Of Chetopa, KSbirth16

Death: 19 OCT 1960 Coffeyville, KSdeath16


Father: William W. Wade

Mother: Sarah Azdell

William Hoyle Wade - 1914 to 1983

Birth: 11 Nov 1914 Knox County, Tennessee, USAbirth17

Death: 29 Dec 1983 Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee, USAdeath17


Father: Charles Wade

Mother: Etta Greenlee

William Louis Wade - 1936 to 2013

Birth: 12 Aug 1936 Ventura, Ventura, California, USAbirth18

Death: 24 May 2013 Kern California, USAdeath18


Father: Louis Frederick Wade

Mother: Daisy Belle Rising

William Arthur Wade - 1886 to 1951

Birth: 1 December 1886 Floyd County, Virginia, USAbirth19

Death: 8 May 1951 Mercer, West Virginiadeath19


Father: Jacob Wade

Mother: Delilah Dobbins

William Wade - 1868 to 1917

Birth: 19 Mar 1868 West Virginia, United Statesbirth20

Death: 21 March 1917 Neola, Greenbrier County, West Virginia, United States of Americadeath20


Father: John Wade

Mother: Nancy Emily Kirkpatrick

William Elsworth Wade - 1863 to 1931

Birth: 7 August 1863 Mount Cory, Hancock County, Ohio, United States of Americabirth21

Death: 27 September 1931 Lima, Allen County, Ohio, United States of Americadeath21


Father: Wilson Benjamin Wade

Mother: Rebecca J Claybaugh

William H. Wade - 1875 to 1962

Birth: 18 Nov 1875 Cobb, Georgiabirth22

Death: 4 Jul 1962 Cobb, Georgiadeath22


Father: James A Wade

Mother: Mary Hale

William Linard Wade - 1884 to 1965

Birth: 27 Nov 1884 Waushara Co., Wisconsinbirth23

Death: 3 Apr 1965 Wisconsindeath23


Father: Isaac Wade

Mother: Jane McColley

William A WADE - 1837 to 1881

Birth: abt 1837 Alabamabirth24

Death: 17 Jan 1881 Conecuh County, Alabama, USAdeath24


Father: Isaac W Wade

Mother: Mary Nance

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