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Results for "William Tainter"

1 - 25 of 42 Records

William G Tainter - 1861 to 1928

Birth: Sep 1861 Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts, USAbirth0

Death: 15 February 1928


Father: Carver Tainter

Mother: Emily Elizabeth Capron

William Vickery Tainter - 1885 to 1940

Birth: 26 Aug 1885 Somerville, MAbirth1

Death: AFT 1940


Father: Alexander Washington Taintor Tainter

Mother: Ellen Vickery

William G Tainter - 1861 to 1928

Birth: Sep 1861 Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts, USAbirth2

Death: 15 February 1928


Father: Carver Tainter

Mother: Emily Elizabeth Capron

William L Tainter - 1800 to 1833

Birth: 27 Nov 1800 Boston, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAbirth3

Death: ABT 1833 Boston, Massachusettsdeath3


Father: John Taintor (Tainter)

Mother: Olive Lewis

William L Tainter - 1800 to 1833

Birth: 27 Nov 1800 Boston, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAbirth4

Death: ABT 1833 Boston, Massachusettsdeath4


Father: John Taintor (Tainter)

Mother: Olive Lewis

William Edward Tainter - 1942 to 1993

Birth: 26 Apr 1942 San Francisco, California, USAbirth5

Death: 23 Aug 1993 San Jose, Santa Clara, California, USAdeath5


Father: Francis Tainter

Mother: Genevieve V Hefferman

William Edward Tainter - 1942 to 1993

Birth: 26 Apr 1942 San Francisco, California, USAbirth6

Death: 23 Aug 1993 San Jose, Santa Clara, California, USAdeath6


Father: Francis Tainter

Mother: Genevieve V Hefferman

William Tainter - 1781 to 1859

Birth: 1781 Norwich, Connbirth7

Death: Bef. 1859


Father: Jospeh Tainter

Mother: Dorcas Post

William Garfield Tainter - 1878 to 1967

Birth: 7 Dec 1878 Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, USAbirth8

Death: 1967 Olathe Ward 2, Johnson, Kansas, USAdeath8


Father: William Henry Harrison TAINTER

Mother: Lisette WERNER

William Henry Harrison TAINTER - 1845 to 1928

Birth: 27 Dec 1845 Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAbirth9

Death: 16 Apr 1928 Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, USAdeath9


Father: Daniel Adams Tainter

Mother: Sarah Dean Willis

William Vernon Tainter - 1881 to 1972

Birth: 06 Dec 1881 Franklin, Vernon, WIbirth10

Death: 17 May 1972 Woodville, Saint Croix, Wisconsin, USAdeath10


Father: Daniel Fayette Tainter

Mother: Anna Lucy Johnson

William Tainter - 1746 to 1759

Birth: 01 Jun 1746 Watertown, Middlesex, MA, USAbirth11

Death: 6 MAR 1759 Middlesex, Massachusetts, United Statesdeath11


Father: John Taynter

Mother: Joanna Harrington

William Tainter - 1746 to 1759

Birth: 01 Jun 1746 Watertown, Middlesex, MA, USAbirth12

Death: 6 MAR 1759 Middlesex, Massachusetts, United Statesdeath12


Father: John Taynter

Mother: Joanna Harrington

William A Tainter - 1877 to 1956

Birth: abt 1877 Mainebirth13

Death: 1956


Father: Samuel W Tainter

Mother: Sarah Joanna Babson

William H. Tainter - 1846

Birth: 01 DEC 1846 Carthage, Maine, USAbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Alsworth Tainter

Mother: Caroline Gould

William Louis Tainter - 1940 to 1995

Birth: 16 Aug 1940 Glenwood, Saint Croix, Wisconsin, USAbirth15

Death: 23 Jan 1995 Martin County, Minnesota, USAdeath15


Father: Donald Vernon Tainter

Mother: Ruby Mae Levi


Birth: Abt 1650 Rayleigh, Essexbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: William Tainter

Mother: Mary Lowing

William Tainter - 1849

Birth: 1849 Westend, Hampshire, Englandbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: George Tainter

Mother: Mary Tainter

William A Tainter - 1961 to 2010

Birth: 12 Feb 1961 Elmhurst, DuPage, Illinois, USAbirth18

Death: 20 Oct 2010 Taintertown, Couderay, Sawyer, Wisconsin, USA


Father: Arthur W Tainter

Mother: Catherine Ann Tainter

William Coolidge Tainter - 1800 to 1853

Birth: 21 Jun 1800 Leominster, Worcester, Massachusetts, USAbirth19

Death: 30 Mar 1853


Father: William Tainter

Mother: Betsy Kilburn

William H Tainter - 1832 to 1863

Birth: 13 May 1832 Boston, Middlesex, MA, USAbirth20

Death: 20 Oct 1863 Mendocino CA USAdeath20


Father: William Coolidge Tainter

Mother: Mary B Hiscock

William Tainter - 1878 to 1895

Birth: abt 1878 Californiabirth21

Death: 30 AUG 1895 CAdeath21


Father: Marvin Cornelius Tainter

Mother: Mary J. Sheehan

William Tainter - 1854 to 1861

Birth: 1854 Wisconsinbirth22

Death: 22 JUL 1861


Father: Andrew Tainter

Mother: Mary Poskin Goose

WILLIAM TAINTER - 1620 to 1683

Birth: ABT 1620 ROCHFORD?, ESSEXbirth23

Death: 1683 Rayleighdeath23



Mother: Not Available

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