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Results for "William Isnor"

1 - 25 of 35 Records

William David Isnor - 1889 to 1965

Birth: 6 Jun 1889 Dartmouth, Halifax Co, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth0

Death: 20 Jul 1965 Colchester Regional Hospital, Truro, Colchester Co., Nova Scotiadeath0


Father: William David Isnor

Mother: Martha "Mattie" Hamilton McMullen

William Isnor - 1879 to 1944

Birth: 24 April 1879 Martock, Hants County, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth1

Death: 6 Jan 1944 Windsor, Hants, Nova Scoitia, Canadadeath1


Father: Samuel Eisenhauer

Mother: Annie Thomas

William David Isnor - 1859 to 1931

Birth: 19 Sep 1859 Gays River, Colchester Co., Nova Scotiabirth2

Death: 11 Apr 1931 Truro, Colchester Co, Nova Scotia, Canadadeath2


Father: David Eisenhauer

Mother: Barbara Elizabeth Grono

William Roy Isnor - 1909 to 2003

Birth: 02 Aug 1909 Nova Scotia, Canadabirth3

Death: 13 Jul 2003 Halifax Canadadeath3


Father: Gordon Benjamin Isnor

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Ormand

William H. Isnor - 1880 to 1922

Birth: 28 jan 1880 Indian Harbour, Halifax Co., Nova Scotiabirth4

Death: 21 feb 1922 Indian Harbour, Halifax Co., Nova Scotiadeath4


Father: Peter B. ISNOR

Mother: Nancy COVEY

William Isnor - 1897 to 1962

Birth: 22 Mar 1897 Wine Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth5

Death: 1962


Father: Norman Eisenhauer

Mother: Ida Mary Keizer

William Isnor - 1921

Birth: 1921 Nova Scotiabirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Allan Theodore Isnor

Mother: Jessie Isnor

William Edward Isnor - 1891 to 1952

Birth: 12 Nov 1891 Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotiabirth7

Death: 08 Apr 1952


Father: James Albert Isnor

Mother: Alice Purchase

William David Isnor - 1860 to 1931

Birth: 17 Sep 1860 Gays River, 1654148, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth8

Death: 11 Apr 1931 Truro, Colchester, Nova Scotia, Canadadeath8


Father: George Charles Eisenhauer Isenor

Mother: Susanna Attressa Schnare

William Everett Isnor - 1951 to 1980

Birth: 20 June 1951 Tisdale Saskatchewan Canadabirth9

Death: 31 Dec 1980 Calgary Alberta Canadadeath9


Father: Jacob Everett Isnor

Mother: Minnie Patricia King

William Isnor

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Harry Edgar Isnor

Mother: Jean Ivy Hurshman

William Harris Isnor - 1874 to 1875

Birth: 29 Oct 1874 Mahone Bay, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia Canadabirth11

Death: 17 Apr 1875


Father: James Henry Eisenhauer

Mother: Royal Adelaide Smeltzer

William Isnor - 1907

Birth: abt 1907 Nova Scotiabirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Archibald Eisner

Mother: Edith Emma Haines

William Alexander Isnor - 1882

Birth: Abt. 1882 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: John Leander ( Twin ) Eisenhauer Isnor

Mother: Janet Cleland

William A Isnor - 1861

Birth: Abt. 1861 Nova Scotia, Canadabirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: William Isnor

Mother: Sarah Ann Unknown

William Isnor - 1815

Birth: 1815 Glen Margaret, NSbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: John William Isnor

Mother: Elizabeth Croucher

William Albert Isnor - 1910

Birth: 1910

Death: Not Available


Father: William [Ernest] Eisenhauer

Mother: Lillian Hurshman

William Isnor - 1880

Birth: abt 1880 Nova Scotiabirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: David Isnor

Mother: Not Available

William John Isnor - 1899 to 1972

Birth: 06 Dec 1899 St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth18

Death: June 1972 Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAdeath18


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

William Albert Isnor - 1910 to 1982

Birth: 1910 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth19

Death: 3 Jan 1982 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadadeath19


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

William Isnor - 1877 to 1984

Birth: Bet. 1877–1911

Death: 27 Apr 1984


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

William Isnor

Birth: Not Available

Death: 14 Jan 1982


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

William Isnor - 1834

Birth: Abt. 1834 Nova Scotia, Canadabirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

William H Isnor - 1846

Birth: abt 1846 Nova Scotiabirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

William Isnor - 1889

Birth: 1889 Dartmouth, Halifax Co., Nova Scotiabirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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