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Results for "william islip"

Name: William Islip

Birth: 18 October 1913 Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada

Death: Oct 19 1947 Lake Cowichan, British Columbia, Canada

Father: William Frank Islip

Mother: Janet Barr

Name: William Frank Islip

Birth: 27 Jan 1884 Birmingham, Warwickshire, England

Death: 2 May 1935 Lytton, British Columbia, Canada

Father: William Islip

Mother: Matilda Amphlett

Name: william keith islip

Birth: 27 Jul 1901 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

Death: Dec 1992 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England

Father: William Islip

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Johnson

Name: William Henry Islip

Birth: 16 Nov 1856 Pertenhall, Bedfordshire, England

Death: bef Aug 1906

Father: Tom Pickering ISLIP

Mother: Ellen Gertrude Ellis

Name: William E. Islip

Birth: abt 1892 California

Death: 27 May 1947 San Joaquin Co., California, USA

Father: Harry Alfred Islip

Mother: Mary Pendergast

Name: William Islip

Birth: abt 1845 Empingham, Rutland, England

Death: 1894 Hamilton, New South Wales, Australia

Father: William Islip

Mother: Mary Walker

Name: William Islip

Birth: Abt. 1905 Sheffield, Yorkshire, England

Death: Jan 1954 Sheffield, Yorkshire West Riding, England

Father: John William Islip

Mother: Clara Watts

Name: William "Bill" Frank Islip

Birth: 18 October 1913 Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada

Death: 19 October 1947 Cowichan Lake, British Columbia, Canada

Father: William Frank Islip

Mother: Janet Arnot Blythe Barr

Name: William Knighton Islip

Birth: 1858 Holme, Hunts

Death: 27 Jan 1936 Peterborough, Hunts

Father: Broome ISLIP

Mother: Caroline Knighton

Name: William Edward Islip

Birth: Oct 1863 Frieston (Near Boston), Lincolnshire, England

Death: Jan 1904 Caythorpe, Lincolnshire, England

Father: John Islip

Mother: Harriet Bristow

Name: William Islip

Birth: abt 1878 Pimlico, Middlesex, England

Death: Not Available

Father: William Islip

Mother: Eliza J Islip

Name: William Islip

Birth: 1840 Rothwell, Northamptonshire, England

Death: Jan 1878 Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Father: Thomas Islip

Mother: Lydia Burnham

Name: William Islip

Birth: 27 Dec 1785 Swineshead, Bedford, England

Death: 1872 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England

Father: John Islip

Mother: Elizabeth Croot

Name: William Islip

Birth: Jan 13, 1811 Duddington, England

Death: 09 MAR 1876 Seaton, England

Father: Andrew Fox Islip

Mother: Lydia (Pepperday) Islip

Name: William Islip

Birth: Nov 2 1826 Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire

Death: Dec 7 1902 St Leonards On Sea, Sussex

Father: John Islip

Mother: Rebecca Cant

Name: william stanley ISLIP

Birth: 26 Sep 1897 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Death: Not Available

Father: George Rose Islip

Mother: Lucy Ada Puckeridge

Name: William Islip

Birth: ABT 1840 Collyweston

Death: 13 Feb 1903 Buckinghamshire, England

Father: John Islip

Mother: Elizabeth Garner

Name: William Garner Islip

Birth: SEP 1877 Devon

Death: 18 AUG 1957 Exmouth, Devon

Father: Thomas Islip

Mother: Maria Kendrick

Name: William Islip

Birth: 31 Mar 1907 Yaxley, Huntingdonshire, England

Death: 22 Nov 1998 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England

Father: Oliver Islip

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Ayres

Name: William Islip

Birth: 1757 Emphingham

Death: 1838 Emphingham

Father: John Islip

Mother: Mary Taylor

Name: William Islip

Birth: 1697 Melchborne, Bedfordshire, England

Death: 1755

Father: William Islip

Mother: Elizabeth Coare

Name: William Islip

Birth: 1844 Empingham

Death: 1894 Hamilton, New South Wales, Australia

Father: William Islip

Mother: Mary Walker

Name: William Islip

Birth: 1766 Bedfordshire, England

Death: May 1839 Bromham, Bedfordshire, England

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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