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Results for "William Isaacs"

1 - 25 of 1,384 Records

William Mackenize Isaacs - 1847 to 1929

Birth: 02 March 1847 Hamilton TWP, INbirth0

Death: 23 Dec 1929 Hamilton Twp., Jackson Co., Indiana, United Statesdeath0


Father: *William H Isaacs

Mother: *Highley Reynolds ISAACS

William Isaacs - 1931 to 2009

Birth: 25 Jul 1931 Oklahoma, USAbirth1

Death: 5 Mar 2009 Checotah, McIntosh, Oklahoma, USAdeath1


Father: Godfrey Isaacs

Mother: Fleeta Alice Roberts (Mayes, Sheppard, Isaacs)

William Manson Isaacs - 1924 to 1982

Birth: 29 Sep 1924 North Lebanon, Marion, Kentucky, USAbirth2

Death: 5 Nov 1982 Fayette, Kentuckydeath2


Father: Walter B. Isaacs

Mother: Lena Hays

William Lee Isaacs - 1924 to 2013

Birth: 06 November 1924 Floyd County, Kentucky, USAbirth3

Death: 12 Jan 2013 Point Pleasant, Mason, West Virginia, USAdeath3


Father: Spencer Isaacs

Mother: Hulda Collins

William O Isaacs - 1907 to 1971

Birth: 1907 Kentuckybirth4

Death: 06 May 1971 Jefferson, Kentuckydeath4


Father: Leo Thomas Isaacs

Mother: Kate B Lankford

William Linville Isaacs - 1835 to 1927

Birth: 1835 Kentuckybirth5

Death: 1927 McKee, Jackson, Kentucky, United Statesdeath5


Father: Isaac Isaacs

Mother: Levisa (Vicey) Triplett

William B Isaacs - 1848 to 1911

Birth: 24 March 1848 Kentuckybirth6

Death: 14 Apr 1911 Floyd Co., West Virginiadeath6


Father: William Isaacs

Mother: Sarah Hall

William Odell Isaacs - 1908 to 1997

Birth: 25 May 1908 Surry County, NCbirth7

Death: 28 Feb 1997 Carlsbad, San Diego, California, United States of Americadeath7


Father: George Emmett Isaacs

Mother: Rosamond Gentry

William Bryan Isaacs - 1818 to 1895

Birth: 10 APR 1818 Norwalk, Fairfield Co., CTbirth8

Death: 9 Jun 1895 Richmond, Virginia, USAdeath8


Father: Benjamin Isaacs

Mother: Frances Bryan

William McKinley Isaacs - 1899 to 1943

Birth: 19 Feb 1899 Hooker, Greene County, NCbirth9

Death: 28 Feb 1943 Faith, Meade, South Dakota, USAdeath9


Father: William Norman Isaacs

Mother: Addie Lucinda Cox

William Isaacs - 1874 to 1962

Birth: abt 1874 Missouribirth10

Death: 6 Sep 1962 Columbia, Boone, Missouri, USAdeath10


Father: William Isaacs

Mother: Sarah Hurgins

William Bryan Isaacs - 1850 to 1918

Birth: 1850 ,,Virginiabirth11

Death: 1918 Fresno, Fresno, California, USAdeath11


Father: William Bryan Isaacs

Mother: Julia Lee Dove

William Linville Isaacs - 1835 to 1927

Birth: 1835 Kentuckybirth12

Death: 1927 McKee, Jackson, Kentucky, United Statesdeath12


Father: Isaac Isaacs

Mother: Levisa (Vicey) Triplett

William W Isaacs - 1852 to 1941

Birth: 25 September 1852 Hamilton Twp., Jackson Co., Indiana.birth13

Death: 23 February 1941 Seymour, Jackson County, Indiana, United States of Americadeath13


Father: John Walker Isaacs

Mother: Mary Ann Wooden

William Arthur Isaacs - 1876 to 1951

Birth: abt 1876 North Bierley, Yorkshire, Englandbirth14

Death: 1951 Scranton, Osage, Kansas, USAdeath14


Father: Thomas Isaac (Isaics)

Mother: Margaret Elizabeth Willows

William Linville Isaacs - 1835 to 1927

Birth: 1835 Kentuckybirth15

Death: 1927 McKee, Jackson, Kentucky, United Statesdeath15


Father: Isaac Isaacs

Mother: Levisa (Vicey) Triplett

William Allen Isaacs - 1873 to 1953

Birth: 12 Jun 1873 Carter County, Tennessee, USAbirth16

Death: 9 Nov 1953 Rural, Cass, Indiana, USAdeath16


Father: Marion Charles Isaacs

Mother: Mildred Caroline Dugger Isaacs

William W Isaacs - 1852 to 1941

Birth: 25 September 1852 Hamilton Twp., Jackson Co., Indiana.birth17

Death: 23 February 1941 Seymour, Jackson County, Indiana, United States of Americadeath17


Father: John Walker Isaacs

Mother: Mary Ann Wooden

William Isaacs - 1835 to 1894

Birth: abt 1835 Marylandbirth18

Death: 1894 Anne Arundel County, Maryland, United States of Americadeath18


Father: Benjamin B Isaac

Mother: Elizabeth Woodfield

William Linville Isaacs - 1835 to 1927

Birth: 1835 Kentuckybirth19

Death: 1927 McKee, Jackson, Kentucky, United Statesdeath19


Father: Isaac Isaacs

Mother: Levisa (Vicey) Triplett

William Wayne Isaacs - 1913 to 1983

Birth: June 21, 1913 Texasbirth20

Death: 24 February 1983 Harris County, Texas, United States of Americadeath20


Father: William Adrian Isaacs

Mother: Loretta WATSON Isaacs

William Wayne Isaacs - 1913 to 1983

Birth: June 21, 1913 Texasbirth21

Death: 24 February 1983 Harris County, Texas, United States of Americadeath21


Father: William Adrian Isaacs

Mother: Loretta WATSON Isaacs

William Allen Isaacs - 1873 to 1953

Birth: 12 Jun 1873 Carter County, Tennessee, USAbirth22

Death: 9 Nov 1953 Rural, Cass, Indiana, USAdeath22


Father: Marion Charles Isaacs

Mother: Mildred Caroline Dugger Isaacs

William McKinley Isaacs - 1899 to 1943

Birth: 19 Feb 1899 Hooker, Greene County, NCbirth23

Death: 28 Feb 1943 Faith, Meade, South Dakota, USAdeath23


Father: William Norman Isaacs

Mother: Addie Lucinda Cox

William Isaacs - 1866 to 1952

Birth: 20 Oct 1866 Huyton, Lancashire, Englandbirth24

Death: 1952 Glossop, Derbyshire, Englanddeath24


Father: John Isaac

Mother: Eliza Shepherd

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