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Results for "William Ingels"

1 - 25 of 78 Records

William Franklin Ingels - 1867 to 1942

Birth: Sep 1867 Illinoisbirth0

Death: 07 Jul 1942 Ripley, Brown, Illinois, USAdeath0


Father: Pvt Ingels

Mother: Sarah Ellen SHIELDS

William Junius Ingels - 1890 to 1969

Birth: 6 Oct 1890 Springfield, Illinois, USAbirth1

Death: 26 Feb 1969 Appleton City, St Clair, Missouri, USAdeath1


Father: William Whitney Ingels

Mother: Mary Galt

William Frank Ingels - 1922 to 1982

Birth: 29 Dec 1922 Kansas, Kansasbirth2

Death: 9 Oct 1982 Stanislaus, Californiadeath2


Father: Roland Theodore Ingels

Mother: Madeline Deam

William Whitney Ingels - 1859 to 1902

Birth: 27 Jan 1859 Island Grove, Sangamon, Illinois, United Statesbirth3

Death: 28 Feb 1902 Appleton City, St Clair, Missouri, United Statesdeath3


Father: John Thomas Ingels

Mother: Elizabeth King

William Ryane Ingels - 1898 to 1977

Birth: abt 1898 Illinoisbirth4

Death: 22 Apr 1977


Father: John William Ingles

Mother: Alfosetta Babbit

William Ryane Ingels - 1898 to 1977

Birth: abt 1898 Illinoisbirth5

Death: 22 Apr 1977


Father: John William Ingles

Mother: Alfosetta Babbit

William Albert INGELS - 1880 to 1913

Birth: 17 Oct 1880 Center, Howard, Indiana, USAbirth6

Death: 23 Jun 1913 Seattle, King, Washington, USAdeath6


Father: George M Ingels

Mother: Martha Eudora Wilson

William McGranaghan Ingels - 1877 to 1918

Birth: 10 Oct 1877 Maysville, Mason, Kentucky, USAbirth7

Death: 24 November 1918 Norcross, Scott County, Tennesseedeath7


Father: Evan Shelby Ingels

Mother: Jennie E McGranagham

William Hernando Ingels - 1849 to 1913

Birth: Feb 1849 Ohiobirth8

Death: 10 May 1913


Father: Jesse T. Ingles

Mother: Johnston

William Emmitt Harley Ingels - 1899 to 1980

Birth: 16 Jul 1899 Nodaway County, Missouribirth9

Death: 11 May 1980 Maryville, Nodaway County, Missouri, USAdeath9


Father: Samuel Thomas Ingels

Mother: Maria Jane Coonrod

William INGELS - 1833 to 1919

Birth: 11 Oct 1833 Pennsylvania, USAbirth10

Death: 06 APR 1919 At home, Greenville, Bond Co, IL, 4 mi. NW of G'ville


Father: Anson INGELS

Mother: Eleanor Duskey

William Thomas Ingels - 1813 to 1884

Birth: 6 Oct 1813 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth11

Death: 8 Jan 1884 Hopkins, Nodaway, Missouri, United Statesdeath11


Father: Joseph Ingels

Mother: Nancy Crooks

William Bruce Ingels - 1846 to 1922

Birth: 25 Sep 1846 Nodaway, Missouri, USAbirth12

Death: 16 Jun. 1922 Gilroy,Santa Clara Californiadeath12


Father: Samuel Ingels

Mother: Phoebe Jane Rambo

William A Ingels - 1803 to 1848

Birth: 06 Sep 1803 Pendleton Co., KYbirth13

Death: 13 Apr 1848 Paris, Bourbon, Kentucky, USAdeath13


Father: James Henry #1 Ingels

Mother: Elizabeth #1 Ducker Ingels

William Victor Ingels - 1843 to 1862

Birth: 10 Jan 1843 Bourbon, Kentucky, United Statesbirth14

Death: 12 Oct 1862 Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, United Statesdeath14


Father: William Ingels

Mother: Permelia Jacoby

William Shelton Ingels - 1875 to 1946

Birth: 3 Mar 1875 Atchison, Atchison, Kansas, United Statesbirth15

Death: 23 May 1946 Seneca, Nemaha, Kansas, United Statesdeath15


Father: Zachariah Taylor Ingels

Mother: Elizabeth P. KEY

William Axel Ingels - 1906 to 1979

Birth: 3 Sep 1906 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAbirth16

Death: 21 Aug 1979 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States of Americadeath16


Father: Axel Margido Thorvold Ingebrigtsen

Mother: Margaret Stewart Nesbit

William Ernest "Bill" Ingels - 1921 to 1999

Birth: 4 Dec 1921 Blackwell, Kay, Oklahoma, USAbirth17

Death: 27 Oct 1999 Blackwell, Kay, Oklahoma, USAdeath17


Father: Percy Kistler Ingels

Mother: Lottie Maude Childs

William (Anson) INGELS - 1869 to 1945

Birth: 1 Sep 1869 Greenville, Bond county Illbirth18

Death: 14 May 1945


Father: William INGELS

Mother: Sarah Lucy Merry

William Ingels - 1805 to 1857

Birth: 1805 Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth19

Death: 4 Jul 1857 Bond, Illinois, United Statesdeath19


Father: George Ingels * DNA

Mother: Mary Ramey

William A. Ingels - 1845 to 1887

Birth: 1845 Ohio, USAbirth20

Death: 1887


Father: Andrew Ingels

Mother: Nancy Barker

William A Ingels - 1906 to 1964

Birth: 31 Dec 1906 Californiabirth21

Death: 8 Aug 1964 Los Angeles, Californiadeath21


Father: Thomas Jefferson Ingels

Mother: Rose Ette

William Victor Ingels - 1885 to 1966

Birth: 26 Feb 1885 Appleton City, St Clair, Missouribirth22

Death: 20 Oct 1966 Jefferson City, Cole County, Missouri, USAdeath22


Father: Stephen Girard Ingels

Mother: Kate D Thomas

William Wallace Ingels - 1871 to 1958

Birth: 3 January 1871 Doniphan County, Kansas, USAbirth23

Death: 15 December 1958 Blackwell, Kay County, Oklahoma, USAdeath23


Father: Joseph (Kichusoler) Kickersole Ingels, adpt

Mother: Caroline Dooley

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