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Results for "Wilhelm Ingenbleek"

1 - 13 of 13 Records

Wilhelm Ingenbleek - 1726 to 1806

Birth: 20 APR 1726 Kervenheimbirth0

Death: 14 JAN 1806 Asperdendeath0


Father: Johann Ingenbleek

Mother: Henriette Gruntjens

Wilhelm Ingenbleek - 1726 to 1806

Birth: 20 APR 1726 Kervenheimbirth1

Death: 14 JAN 1806 Asperdendeath1


Father: Johann Ingenbleek

Mother: Henriette Gruntjens

Wilhelm Ingenbleek - 1726 to 1806

Birth: 20 APR 1726 Kervenheimbirth2

Death: 14 JAN 1806 Asperdendeath2


Father: Johann Ingenbleek

Mother: Henriette Gruntjens

Wilhelm Ingenbleek - 1920 to 2004

Birth: 4 JUL 1920 Gochbirth3

Death: 2004 Gochdeath3


Father: Peter Heinrich Ingenbleek

Mother: Agnes Jeuken

Wilhelm Ingenbleek - 1920 to 2004

Birth: 4 JUL 1920 Gochbirth4

Death: 2004 Gochdeath4


Father: Peter Heinrich Ingenbleek

Mother: Agnes Jeuken

Wilhelm Ingenbleek - 1890 to 1918

Birth: 16 NOV 1890 Weezebirth5

Death: 19 APR 1918 Frankreichdeath5


Father: Peter Johann Ingenbleek

Mother: Anna Maria Robijns

Wilhelm Ingenbleek - 1928 to 1964

Birth: 29 DEC 1928 Keppelnbirth6

Death: 11 AUG 1964 Keppelndeath6


Father: Mathias Wilhelm Ingenbleek

Mother: Maria Sprong

Wilhelm Ingenbleek - 1770 to 1812

Birth: 3 AUG 1770 Kervenheimbirth7

Death: 3 SEP 1812 Kervenheimdeath7


Father: Peter Ingenbleek

Mother: Hendrina van Betteray

Wilhelm Heinrich Ingenbleek - 1876 to 1885

Birth: 10 SEP 1876 Gochbirth8

Death: 11 NOV 1885 Gochdeath8


Father: Theodor Ingenbleek

Mother: Johanna Moll

Wilhelm Johann Ingenbleek - 1881 to 1881

Birth: 12 JAN 1881 Gochbirth9

Death: 12 SEP 1881 Gochdeath9


Father: Heinrich Ingenbleek

Mother: Catharina Huberta Grootens

Wilhelm Ingenbleek - 1791

Birth: 8 DEC 1791 Hommersumbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Johann Heinrich Ingenbleek

Mother: Sibille Mooren

Wilhelm Ingenbleek

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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